Anne Boleyn: Arrest, Trial, Execution
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T1 E1 - Arrest
31 de agosto de 202245 minWe explore Anne's final days of freedom her relationships with the men she was accused of committing adultery with her last letter to her husband and the confession of the musician Mark Smeaton that led to her arrest and how her one-time ally Thomas Cromwell led the case against her.Este título no está disponible porque los derechos han caducadoT1 E2 - Trial
31 de agosto de 202245 minIn episode two Trial we examine Boleyn's adultery incest and the conspiracy to murder the King.Este título no está disponible porque los derechos han caducadoT1 E3 - Execution
31 de agosto de 202245 minIn the final episode Execution we focus on the outcome of the trial. Anne was tried before a jury of her peers in the King's Hall of the Tower of London - a public spectacle that attracted over 2000 spectatorsEste título no está disponible porque los derechos han caducado
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Advertencias de contenido
- Luces intermitentes violencia lenguaje malsonante contenido sexual
- No disponibles
- Stuart Elliott
- Emma Randle-Caprez
- Tracy Borman
- Off The Fence
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