Billion Dollar Babies: The True Story of the Cabbage Patch Kids

Neil Patrick Harris narrates this untold story of Cabbage Patch Kids, the toy craze that set the stage for modern-day Black Friday. From a bizarre legal battle over the toy's origins, to a doll hospital where kids "adopted babies," unprecedented shopping hysteria, a toy company on the verge of bankruptcy, this is the wild story you never knew about the dolls that stole America's heart.
IMDb 6,91 h 33 min2023X-Ray13+
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English [CC]


Andrew Jenks


Dan GoodmanNeil Patrick HarrisBrian HuntMatthew LavineStephanie MadisonWilliam H. Masterson IIIBrenda Brkusic MilinkovicJoseph VeleDiana Wallace


Neil Patrick Harris


Believe Entertainment Group
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