Solar System
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T1 E1 - Storm Worlds
1 de octubre de 202453 minAcross the solar system, wild storms are raging. From globe-spanning dust storms, to monsoons of liquid methane, to monstrous storms with lightning bolts ten times more energetic than anything on Earth--our solar system is full of weird and wonderful weather. Explore the forces that create the truly awesome and extreme conditions found on our neighboring planets and moons. From NOVA.Periodo de prueba gratis de Documentales de PBST1 E2 - Strange Worlds
8 de octubre de 202453 minMisshapen worlds offer clues to understanding how a fundamental force of nature--gravity--works to shape our solar system. From a dwarf planet that looks like a deflated football, to a tiny moon with cliffs taller than Mt. Everest, to the spectacular rings of Saturn, discover how the effects of gravity produce the amazing variety of bizarre worlds in our solar system. From NOVA.Periodo de prueba gratis de Documentales de PBST1 E3 - Volcano Worlds
15 de octubre de 202453 minAll around our solar system, volcanoes are powerful shapers of worlds. On Mars is Olympus Mons, a giant volcanic mountain more than twice the size of Mt. Everest. And closer to the Sun, thousands of volcanoes produce the toxic atmosphere that keeps Venus boiling. Discover the explosive forces that molded each of these worlds--and what makes the volcanoes right here on Earth so special. From NOVA.Periodo de prueba gratis de Documentales de PBST1 E4 - Icy Worlds
22 de octubre de 202453 minOut in the solar system, ice can get quite exotic. From Uranus’s ultra hot superionic ice, to glaciers of nitrogen ice on Pluto, to carbon dioxide snow on Mars, ice is a fundamental building block throughout our cosmic neighborhood. Visit some of the strange, frozen worlds of our solar system to discover why the ice here on Earth so special – and why we wouldn’t be here without it. From NOVA.Periodo de prueba gratis de Documentales de PBST1 E5 - Wandering Worlds
29 de octubre de 202453 minWandering worlds that seem out of place offer clues that our cosmic neighborhood is far more dynamic than we once thought. From the meteorites that impact Earth, to a moon that orbits backwards, to an imposter lurking in the asteroid belt, these wandering worlds are rewriting what we know--and even how we think about--our solar system. From NOVA.Periodo de prueba gratis de Documentales de PBS
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- Mercer Boffey
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