
The Dark Web

Temporada 1
There's a dark side to the internet, and you probably don't even know it exists. Look behind the positive veneer of social media, communication apps and platforms that have made our lives easier and more connected, and you'll find criminals using the same apps and platforms to run illicit and dangerous activities. Sextortion syndicates target victims globally through social media.
20194 episodios16+
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  1. T1 E1 - The Queen of Sextortion

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    9 de febrero de 2019
    47 min
    Sextortion was invented by one woman in the Philippines, Maria Caparas.
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  2. T1 E2 - Wildlife Clickbait

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    9 de febrero de 2019
    46 min
    They may look like ordinary posts of exotic pets for sale on social media.
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  3. T1 E3 - Black Market Boom

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    9 de febrero de 2019
    46 min
    Drugs, guns, counterfeit documents and much more are sold on dark web marketplaces that run on anonymous browsers and using cryptocurrency
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  4. T1 E4 - The Candyman

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    9 de febrero de 2019
    47 min
    Hiding behind the anonymity, the creator of child pornography group Loli Candy and its 7,000 members hid their activities on Facebook and Whatsapp.
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Luces intermitentesviolenciaconsumo de drogasconsumo de tabacocontenido sexual


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Ericson Gangoso


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