
The Horse Tamer With Pat Parelli

Temporada 1
Horse tamer Pat Parelli shares his knowledge and skills to help others connect with their horses, repair bonds, and work through difficult behaviours.
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  1. T1 E1 - Dallas & Luna

    12 de septiembre de 2023
    25 min
    Pat arrives to help Dallas with her difficult horse Luna, who is struggling with rearing with getting into her trailer, as well as struggling with shots.
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  2. T1 E2 - Candice & Harley

    18 de septiembre de 2023
    24 min
    Pat gets a call from an old friend, professional horse jumper Candice King. She needs help with a client's nervous horse that's refusing to jump.
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  3. T1 E3 - Chester & Kasper

    18 de septiembre de 2023
    24 min
    Pat gets a call from an old friend, professional horse jumper Candice King. She needs help with a client's nervous horse that's refusing to jump.
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  4. T1 E4 - Leslie & Solo Tu

    18 de septiembre de 2023
    22 min
    Pat is here to help Leslie and her horse who has recently developed some nervous habits. In the past 6 months she has even become too dangerous for Leslie to ride.
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  5. T1 E5 - Grace & Bella

    18 de septiembre de 2023
    27 min
    Grace bought her quarterhorse Bella specifically for riding, but Bella doesn't seem to want anyone to ride. Pat is here to help Grace and to make Bella feel safer for generations of Grace's family.
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  6. T1 E6 - Lisa & Petunia

    18 de septiembre de 2023
    21 min
    Pat is helping Petunia, a mustang previously neglected. She won't allow anyone to get close to her, which gets in the way of her care and hygene. Pat works with Lisa to improve Petunia's way of life.
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  7. T1 E7 - Mary & Milo

    18 de septiembre de 2023
    28 min
    Pat meets with Mary, who has had her horse Milo for 3 years. Mary was told that he was rideable, but that turned out not to be the case. Milo is smart, but also unpredictable and Mary needs some help.
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  8. T1 E8 - Lindy & Sedona

    18 de septiembre de 2023
    27 min
    Pat meets with Lindy and 8 year old Sedona. Sedona has recently become more dominant, pushy, and uncooperative, making him feel unsafe for Lindy to ride. Pat hopes to help Lindy feel confident again.
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Kat Chrysostom


Pat ParelliKat ChrysostomJuli PiovesanShel PiercyTheresa Piercy


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