
Wildest: Latin America

Temporada 1
It's taken millions of years for animals to adapt to places as extreme as the high Andes mountains, the sweltering Amazon rainforest and river basin, the windblown Patagonian steppe, and the swamps of Venezuela. Latin America spans an incredible longitudinal distance across almost every climate planet Earth has to offer. The result is an incredible diversity of species, evolved for every niche.
IMDb 8,020125 episodiosX-Ray7+
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  1. T1 E1 - Amazon: One Jungle, Many Worlds

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    5 de junio de 2012
    52 min
    The Amazon is the largest rainforest in the world, and the richest ecosystem on earth. This film uncovers what makes the Amazon such a powerhouse of evolution; how it has come to home a third of all species on the planet.
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  2. T1 E2 - Patagonia: The Ends of the Earth

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    2 de julio de 2012
    52 min
    Patagonia is a place of extremes - of vast ice fields and snow-capped mountains; of windswept deserts and violent oceans. Survival here means being tough enough to cope with brutal winters, and canny enough to exploit brief seasons of plenty.
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  3. T1 E3 - Venezuela: The Treasures of El Dorado

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    24 de mayo de 2012
    52 min
    Venezuela is famous for its lost worlds, its forbidding mountains, huge swamps, and impenetrable jungles, all seemingly cut off in space and time. Yet each is linked, by the mighty river: the Orinoco, the rumored route to El Dorado, city of gold.
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  4. T1 E4 - Pantanal: Brazil's Wild Heart

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    26 de junio de 2012
    52 min
    Every year The Pantanal is drowned by immense floods, and then suffer severe drought. Yet, while people struggle, the Pantanal hosts some of the greatest gatherings of animals on the planet.
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  5. T1 E5 - The Andes: World in the Clouds

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    2 de junio de 2012
    52 min
    The longest chain of mountains in the world, the Andes run the length of western South America and dictate the climate for the whole continent. They include some of the highest peaks outside the Himalayas.
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Richard Kirby


Allison Bean


Paul McGann


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