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America's Mississippi

Stagione 1
Head south down the Mississippi River, from the northern headwaters through the heartland and into the southern bayou.
20183 episodiTV-PG
Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+ o acquisto

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  1. S 1 E 1 - The Headwaters
    4 dicembre 2018
    Take in the stunning beauty of the Mississippi River’s most northern stretch and meet its creatures, great and small.
    Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+ o acquisto
  2. S 1 E 2 - The Heartland
    11 dicembre 2018
    Journey into the heart of America on the Mississippi and witness life under water, in the skies, and along its banks.
    Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+ o acquisto
  3. S 1 E 3 - The Bayou
    18 dicembre 2018
    Track the Mississippi River as it powers into the Deep South, through Cajun country, and finally the Gulf of Mexico.
    Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+ o acquisto


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