
A Taste of History

Chef Walter Staib travels the globe, to historical locations, into famous kitchens and exotic markets to bring you A Taste of History. The cooking TV series explores, educates, and brings America's culinary heritage to life through the recreation of elegant and sumptuous dishes inspired by the founding fathers.
200912 episodiTUTTI
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  1. S1 E1 - Martha Washington Won the War

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    15 febbraio 2009
    Martha Washington is usually portrayed as a dowdy grandmother, but in reality she was a beautiful and passionate wife befitting her handsome George. Martha was also the secret weapon that kept troop morale high during the hard winter's encampment at Valley Forge. We prepare Martha's authentic Turkey Stew with Oysters and speak with well-known Martha Washington expert Patricia Brady.
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  2. S1 E2 - Early German Settlers

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    15 febbraio 2009
    As early as 1690, German settlers left Europe for religious freedom in the new world of North America. They settled in the Philadelphia area, and immediately started to contribute to the innovations and spirit of our new country. In this episode, Chef Walter Staib prepares ale-braised sausages and shows us how his German ancestors helped to make America great.
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  3. S1 E3 - Madeira Wine by the Galleons

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    15 febbraio 2009
    Philadelphia's docks were very busy in the 18th century, receiving ships from as far away as Portugal, laden with precious cargo, Madeira wine. George Washington and the rest of the country was in love with this new wine, which was all the rage in America. Chef Staib prepares Chicken Madeira using this wine along with Spätzle and Chestnut Fritters.
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  4. S1 E4 - Root Cellar

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    15 febbraio 2009
    Wild geese were plentiful in 18th Century America and were prized both for their meat and their layer of fat. Chef Staib prepares a typical winter meal of Goose with Turnips, along with Crab Cake with Herb Remoulade. We also visit Harriton House and see how a root cellar was a key part of 18th Century kitchens.
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  5. S1 E5 - Von Steuben's Secret Weapon

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    15 febbraio 2009
    General von Steuben was a German officer who volunteered to help Washington battle the British monarchy. He instituted a discipline to the rag tag army that made them a determined fighting force that would eventually win the war. Chef Staib prepares Braised Rabbit Legs and Potato Cakes in honor of his favorite Continental soldier, General von Steuben.
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  6. S1 E6 - Jefferson's Monticello - Part 1

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    15 febbraio 2009
    We start a special four-part series cooking in Thomas Jefferson's actual kitchen at Monticello, his Virginia home. Chef Staib prepares Jefferson's favorite exotic dish, Stuffed Cabbage with Fried Asparagus. We also tour Jefferson's gardens, where we learn how important discovering and growing foods was to our third President.
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  7. S1 E7 - Jefferson's Monticello - Part 2

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    15 febbraio 2009
    In this next episode at Monticello, we learn how Thomas Jefferson "liberated" grains of European rice to grow here in America, and tour his legendary Monticello estate, including the Dependencies that housed the beer and wine cellars, and the ice house. Chef Staib also borrows Jefferson' kitchen to prepare Bouilli, a favorite boiled beef dish of Jefferson's, along with Bouillon Potatoes.
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  8. S1 E8 - Jefferson's Monticello - Part 3

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    15 febbraio 2009
    During his years as Minister to France, Jefferson's culinary tastes became refined. In this episode, we get to know James Hemmings, Jefferson's slave cook who accompanied Jefferson to learn the ways of French cuisine. We also meet Jefferson's long-time Monticello cooks, Edith Hern Fossett and Fanny Hern. Chef Staib prepares White Bean and Bacon Soup, Chicken Fricassee, and Herbed Barley.
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  9. S1 E9 - Jefferson's Monticello - Part 4

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    15 febbraio 2009
    We end our tour of Jefferson's Gardens at Monticello as we learn how the President carefully cultivated over 330 vegetable varieties, along with a host of fruits. Chef Staib prepares a tour-de-force final meal in Jefferson's kitchen. Curried Lamb and with Rice Pilaf and Stewed Mushrooms, along with Leni Sorensen, Monticello's expert on the slave cooks who worked there.
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  10. S1 E10 - Hercules: Slave Chef to the Washingtons

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    15 febbraio 2009
    The foundation of the President's Residence in Philadelphia has recently been excavated, showing where the slave quarters were in the original White House. The Washingtons relied upon and highly regarded their slave chef, Hercules, who was known as the best chef in the country. In this episode, Chef Staib prepares a Hercules signature dish Veal Olives with a White Bean and Shallot Purée.
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  11. S1 E11 - Ben Franklin's Genius

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    15 febbraio 2009
    From discovering how to harness electricity to inventing reading glasses and publishing the first daily newspaper in America, Ben Franklin's genius was a spark that helped to launch a country. We visit the American Philosophical Society, which he founded, to learn more about this most amazing man. Chef Staib prepares Braised Oxtail, and he toasts Franklin with his authentic Spruce Beer.
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  12. S1 E12 - Washington's Crossing Pepperpot Soup

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    15 febbraio 2009
    Before the Christmas night in 1776 when Washington led his troops to a surprise attack on the British at Trenton, he ordered one of their favorite meals to be ready upon their return, Pepperpot Soup with Cornbread. Chef Staib makes this West-Indies influenced dish again, right at that same spot along the Delaware, with revolutionary troops at his side to celebrate that all important victory.
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James Davey


Ariel ScwartzJames DaveyPaul Bauer


Chef Walter Staib


Janson Media
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