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Africa's Wild Year

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BBC America: From teeming oceans to vast deserts and icy mountains, the journey through Africa's Wild Year is a tale of perseverance and courage in the face of adversity.
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  1. S1 E1 - Africa's Wild Year: Spring

    5 agosto 2022
    BBC America: This is the season of learning, as Africa's youngsters master the arts of swimming, hunting, and flying, in time to face the challenges of independence. Each year the arrival of spring is the chance to flourish during Africa's Wild Year.
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  2. S1 E2 - Africa's Wild Year: Summer

    12 agosto 2022
    BBC America: Summer in Africa is a season of extremes, it separates the weak from the strong. For many it's a time to feast. Summer brings new challenges and new opportunities for the creatures living through Africa's Wild Year.
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  3. S1 E3 - Africa's Wild Year: Autumn

    19 agosto 2022
    BBC America: Autumn in Africa brings new opportunities. Autumn is a season of mammoth migrations and miniature love affairs. As this short window of opportunity closes, the dry season sweeps across large swathes of Southern Africa.
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  4. S1 E4 - Africa's Wild Year: Winter

    26 agosto 2022
    BBC America: Winter in Southern Africa brings drought, ice and storms. The short days mean hardship for some, and a time of plenty for others. As Spring breaks Winter's grasp, the extraordinary cycle of Africa's Wild Year begins again.
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