
Alien Files: Reopened

Stagione 1
A team of experts separate fact from fiction to figure out the history behind the mystery of some of the most well-known and extraordinary cases of UFO sightings and alien encounters.
20248 episodiTV-PG
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  1. S1 E1 - Summer of the Saucers

    3 novembre 2024
    In the summer of 1952, stories of US Air Force jets chasing UFOs over the White House knock the Korean War off the front pages of newspapers across America. As rumors spread, President Harry S. Truman demands to know what was flying over his house.
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  2. S1 E2 - The Tall Whites

    10 novembre 2024
    Air Force recruit Charles James Hall encounters otherworldly beings while stationed in Nevada in the 1960s. He claims these tall, glowing extraterrestrials are working with the military and house advanced spaceships in a top-secret mountainside hangar.
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  3. S1 E3 - Billy Meier and the Multiverse

    17 novembre 2024
    In 1975, Billy Meier claims he's traveled through time and space with an alien race from the Pleiades star cluster. In the decades following his revelation, both skeptics and Ufologists say it's a hoax despite Meier providing photographic evidence.
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  4. S1 E4 - Project Seven Lambs

    24 novembre 2024
    In 1978, UFO enthusiast Paul Bennewitz claims he's intercepted extraterrestrial messages. Military officials send counterintelligence officer Richard Doty to feed Bennewitz lies. But is Doty himself a pawn in an even bigger disinformation scheme?
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  5. S1 E5 - Back From the Future

    1 dicembre 2024
    On December 26, 1980, US Air Force personnel spot unidentified lights over two military bases in Suffolk, England. While investigating the incident in nearby Rendlesham Forest, servicemen document their encounter with advanced non-human technology.
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  6. S1 E6 - The Belgian UFO Wave

    8 dicembre 2024
    Thousands of people claim to see a massive triangular craft hovering over Belgium in the late '80s and early '90s. Scientists and government officials investigate, but the truth remains elusive about the unprecedented wave of UFO activity.
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  7. S1 E7 - School's Out for Saucer

    15 dicembre 2024
    On a September morning in 1994, students at a rural Zimbabwe school witness a silver craft land in a nearby field. Numerous adults corroborate the UFO sighting, but the children are silenced. However, many maintain their account of the incident is true.
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  8. S1 E8 - Negative Energy

    22 dicembre 2024
    In 2014, Navy fighter pilot Ryan Graves records unexplained aerial phenomena off the East Coast of the United States. He goes public in 2019, sending the UFO community into overdrive and forcing the US government to confirm the sighting was legitimate.
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Maggie Aderin-PocockLaurie McDonaldRichard DotyChristopher D. BaderWill BroodEric HaseltineNick Pope


discovery plus Unexplained
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