
American Hoggers

American Hoggers on A&E, the Campbell family is on the front lines rescuing Texas residents and ranches from the devastation inflicted by invasive wild boars. To help their fellow Texans eliminate the intruders, legendary hog hunter Jerry Campbell and his family confront the feral beasts on horseback and by using highly trained dogs and good old-fashioned know-how.
IMDb 4,720119 episodiX-Ray16+
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  1. S1 E1 - Meet the Campbells

    18 ottobre 2011
    Lifelong Texan Jerry Campbell has been in the hog hunting game for over half a century. His kids, Robert and Krystal, are hoping to turn Dad's lifestyle into a full-time family business helping desperate landowners clear their property.
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  2. S1 E2 - Junkyard Hog

    18 ottobre 2011
    After the loss of his lead hunting dog, Rooster, Jerry is ready to call off his hunting days for awhile while he trains a new dog. But Krystal and Robert are desperate to keep their fledgling business alive.
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  3. S1 E3 - Life on the Line

    25 ottobre 2011
    The Campbells get a call from an elderly widow being terrorized by a massive 250 pound boar. At the job, the battle between Jerry's old ways and the kids' new methods.
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  4. S1 E4 - Man Down

    25 ottobre 2011
    The Campbells and their team of young dogs tee off at a Texas golf course, where an aggressive hog is threatening golfers and tearing up $20,000 greens. But the hunt leaves Krystal and Robert concerned about Jerry's health.
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  5. S1 E5 - Cage Match

    2 novembre 2011
    The Campbells are faced with their biggest job yet: a 900-acre deer hunting ranch overrun with boars. Hoping to increase their hog hunting arsenal.
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  6. S1 E6 - Calf Killer

    2 novembre 2011
    With their usual hand, Lea, unavailable, Robert hires a young hand to help out the family, but Krystal and Jerry aren't sure the new kid has what it takes to make it as a hog hunter.
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  7. S1 E7 - Sour Grapes

    9 novembre 2011
    After taking to the internet to find new customers, Robert and Krystal find a hog hunting job at a local vineyard.
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  8. S1 E8 - Boar Wars

    9 novembre 2011
    The Campbells tackle their biggest job yet: a ranch so overrun with hogs, the owners are on the verge of selling the property. But the size of the ranch has Jerry worried about the safety of taking the job.
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  9. S1 E9 - Apocalypse Hog

    15 novembre 2011
    After nearly facing defeat on the 4R Ranch, the Campbells gear up for one last stand. Scouting from a helicopter, Jerry thinks he may have finally found where the elusive hogs have been hiding.
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David McKillopElaine Bryant


Jerry CampbellKrystal CampbellRobert Campbell


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