Arabian Seas
Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+
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S1 E1 - Carnivores of the Coral Garden
1 marzo 201848minNine miles off the coast of Oman, a zebra shark scans the ocean floor for crustaceans, while a menacing giant stingray floats by. Soon, night becomes day and new killers emerge, from toxic scorpion fish to crown-of-thorns starfish, both bringing coral devastation. Dive among these deadly marine carnivores.Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+S1 E2 - Magicians of the Reef
8 marzo 201848minA seahorse blends perfectly into its coral surroundings, while a male day octopus hides to avoid the female's cannibalistic impulses. Meanwhile, cuttlefish change color to both attract mates and ward off rivals. Explore the Gulf of Oman, a kaleidoscope of color coordination, starring the dazzling masqueraders of the Arabian Sea.Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+S1 E3 - Island Feast
15 marzo 201848minDespite the scorching heat, a cold upwelling of nutrients in the Gulf of Oman creates favorable conditions for a host of marine migrants. The behemoth whale shark, hawksbill turtle, and millions of tiny, exotic fish settle in to feast. Take a plunge into the algae-cloaked coral reefs of this underwater tapestry.Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+S1 E4 - Defenders of the Reef
22 marzo 201848minIn the Gulf of Oman, survival is all about defense. Some species of sea urchins and sea slugs rely on toxins to keep predators at bay, while guitarfish use their size and armored bodies to stay off the menu. Peek into a little-known reef where fortune favors the bold and the well-prepared.Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+S1 E5 - A Turtle's Legacy
29 marzo 201848minOn the beaches of Ras al-Jinz in Oman, thousands of sea turtle hatchlings dash towards the relative safety of the open sea. Nearby, an army of hungry ghost crabs, gulls, and foxes lie in wait, ready to pick them off. Witness the high-stakes outcome of one of nature's rarest and most enthralling nesting seasons.Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+
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- Non disponibili
- Ann McGuire
- Blink Films
- Andy Clark
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