Arctic Secrets
Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+
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S1 E1 - Land of Extremes
20 novembre 201648minThe American Dipper can plunge its head into freezing Arctic water up to 60 times a minute. In the summer, ferocious mosquitoes can draw up to a pint of blood a day from caribou. Take a fascinating look into the Arctic seasons and the impact that rising sea levels have on local wildlife, and, ultimately, our own world.Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+S1 E2 - Devon Island: Land of Ice
22 dicembre 201648minCanada's Devon Island is the largest uninhabited island in the world--and with good reason. Temperatures below freezing for nine months of the year and an annual rainfall comparable to the Gobi Desert leave the icy landscape so barren that NASA uses it to simulate conditions on Mars. Take an exhilarating expedition into a land where only the most experienced Inuit hunters dare set foot.Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+S1 E3 - Delta Discoveries
8 maggio 201648minThe Mackenzie Delta is an Arctic network of channels and islands at the mouth of Canada's largest river. It's home to the ancient Inuit, as well as a variety of highly specialized wildlife, including the sonorous sandhill and majestic peregrine falcon. Follow them as they contend with a rapidly changing climate.Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+S1 E4 - Fall on the Tundra
24 luglio 201648minAs the days shorten and the temperature drops, the inhabitants of Nunavik, Quebec prepare to face the approaching arctic winter. Watch as muskoxen fatten up, ptarmigans hunt for berries, and Inuit make use of the last warm days of the year.Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+S1 E5 - Wild Seas
9 ottobre 201648minNorth Atlantic bowhead whales have the largest mouths of any living creature and can live up to 200 years. In fact, some still carry harpoon fragments from a century ago. Join two intrepid Inuit tribesmen as they venture into the harsh Arctic region known as Ninginganiq to witness a gathering of these mysterious and awe-inspiring giants.Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+
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