history vault

Barbarians Rising

Stagione 1
Barbarians Rising tells the story of the rise and fall of the Roman Empire from the perspective of the barbarian rebel leaders who helped bring it down.
IMDb 7,720164 episodiX-Ray16+
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  1. S1 E1 - Resistance

    5 giugno 2016
    1 h 38 min
    A 700-year battle for freedom begins as the barbarians rise against Rome; Hannibal builds a rebel alliance to conquer the Alps; the shepherd Viriathus fights to save his people from destruction.
    Periodo d’uso gratuito di HISTORY Vault o acquisto
  2. S1 E2 - Rebellion

    12 giugno 2016
    1 h 40 min
    Rome brings its enemies inside its borders as the age of Empire begins; Spartacus leads a slave uprising that threatens Rome on its own turf; Arminius, Germania's native son raised as a Roman, must choose a side in the fight for freedom.
    Periodo d’uso gratuito di HISTORY Vault o acquisto
  3. S1 E3 - Revenge

    19 giugno 2016
    1 h 40 min
    Arminius unites the tribes and engineers an ambush attack to drive Rome out of Germania; Boudica unleashes bloody vengeance on the Empire; Rome's betrayal of the Goths ends in an apocalyptic clash.
    Periodo d’uso gratuito di HISTORY Vault o acquisto
  4. S1 E4 - Ruin

    26 giugno 2016
    1 h 40 min
    Alaric's Goths sack Rome; Attila the Hun seizes power while the barbarians move in for the kill. The Vandal king, Geiseric, masterminds the end of Rome; the Empire falls.
    Periodo d’uso gratuito di HISTORY Vault o acquisto


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