
Embarrassing Bodies

The Embarrassing Bodies team are back to re-open the sorely missed Embarrassing Bodies clinic. Desperate for some much needed medical attention are a brand new blushing array of highly embarrassed patients, all suffering from visually shocking and personally mortifying conditions.
200911 episodi16+
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  1. S2 E1 - Pelvic Floor

    14 aprile 2009
    This week's episode includes a woman who claims to have a giant vagina and a man who has to wear incontinence pads until he's saved by a revolutionary operation available on the NHS.
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  2. S2 E2 - Kids

    21 aprile 2009
    This week's episode includes the dramatic case of a nine year old with the worst case of veruccas that Dr Christian has ever seen. Thanks to his intervention, this little girl and her worried family get much needed help.
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  3. S2 E3 - Rural

    28 aprile 2009
    Dr Christian Jessen and Dr Pixie McKenna - the nation's favourite doctors for tackling embarrassing conditions - visit the countryside to spread the message - there's no shame we're all the same. Farmers - many of whom are more likely to visit the vets for their livestock than pop to their GP - are given some timely advice on sexually transmitted diseases.
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  4. S2 E4 - Feet

    5 maggio 2009
    This week's episode features a woman in her thirties whose life and skin have been ruined by acne - can her face and fortunes be restored by the latest technology? W hile dentist Dr James has to remove the front teeth of a young Scottish man who's been reaching for the fizzy drinks late at night rather than his toothbrush!
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  5. S2 E5 - Holiday

    12 maggio 2009
    This week's episode has a holiday theme with the team setting up a temporary clinic at Birmingham International Airport ready to help anyone who's picked up an unwanted holiday souvenir.
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  6. S2 E6 - Erectile Dysfunction

    19 maggio 2009
    A man visits the clinic with the courage to admit he hasn't had an erection in years but at least confidence is high that he can be helped. And Dr Priya sees a woman with unexplained pain between her legs - another condition which is often under reported but is actually as common as hay fever.
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  7. S2 E7 - Oral

    26 maggio 2009
    This week's episode features a newlywed who doesn't enjoy sex, a man with an armpit which is literally rotting away and a rock musician with rather rocky teeth. And the team investigate sweat and bad breath with the help of the people of Cambridge.
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  8. S2 E8 - Rally

    2 giugno 2009
    In this episode Dr Christian finds a solution for an elderly patient who's been so desperate for help she's even resorted to soaking her feet in urine. Dr Pixie comes to the aid of a woman who needs to get to the bottom of a hairy problem.
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  9. S2 E9 - Revisit 1

    9 giugno 2009
    The team invite a variety of previous patients back in for a final check-up, including teenage mum Maria whose morbid obesity was threatening her life.
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  10. S2 E10 - Revisit 2

    16 giugno 2009
    The medics invite a variety of patients including a chronic acne case and a lady with a painful skin condition back to the clinic for one final check up.
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  11. S2 E11 - Revisit 3

    30 giugno 2009
    Catching up with Dionne, who first came into see Dr Dawn with a painful skin condition which was causing her legs to shed their skin. Dr Dawn also revisits a chronic case of acne which had erupted on the back of one man's head, and one year on, has treatment for a case of stress incontinence given 49-year-old Pamela her social life back?
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Nuditàviolenzauso di alcolscene con fumatorilinguaggio volgarecontenuto sessuale


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Harry BeneyFrancois Gandolfi


Ashley JensenChristian Jessen


Maverick Television
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