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End Times: How Close Are We

Nearly 30 percent of the Bible is prophecy. Today, the majority of these predictions have come to pass. Those that remain to be fulfilled foretell of the End Times; and if biblical scholars are right, they are about to come true. But what does modern science have to say about all this? Could it be that scientists of all stripes have come to the same conclusion as the ancient prophets?
IMDb 5,859min2006X-Ray16+
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EnglishEnglish Dialogue Boost: MediumEnglish Dialogue Boost: High


English [CC]


David Priest


Charles E. SellierSharon Dymmel


J. Randall PriceCooper Abrams IIISung Wook ChungStan DeyoMichael D. Evans


C3 Entertainment, Inc.
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