Fishing The Wild
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S1 E1 - Honey Island
15 ottobre 201525minMorgs and Simmo set off into East Arnhem Land in remote Northern Australia, fishing their way through the dramatic and diverse wilderness.Iscriviti a PrimeS1 E2 - Gangan Night Barra
24 ottobre 201523minMorgs and Simmo head deep in inland searching for the most iconic Australian sport fish, the barramundi.Iscriviti a PrimeS1 E3 - Blue Beach of Dhaniya
31 ottobre 201523minMorgs and Simmo are in Dhaniya, searching for a special beach that Giant Trevally use to hunt baitfish.Iscriviti a PrimeS1 E4 - The Secrets of Arnhem Bay
7 novembre 201523minSimmo and Morgs head into Arnhem Bay this week to catch up with some old friends. They are taken spearfishing for stingray.Iscriviti a PrimeS1 E5 - Wild Buck Bay
14 novembre 201523minMorgs and Simmo take their small tinny into Buckingham bay, a remote and inhospitable place, where just keeping the tinny afloat is there main goal.Iscriviti a PrimeS1 E6 - The Spaniards of Cape Wessel
21 novembre 201523minThe Wessel Islands are considered one of the most remote and wild places in Australia. And it's because of this reputation that Morgs and Simmo have to get there.Iscriviti a Prime
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- Violenza
- Non disponibili
- Morgan Hartney
- Morgan HartneyHamish Simpson
- Run for the Hills Productions
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