Gangsters: America's Most Evil
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S1 E1 - The First Kingpin: Juan Raul Garza
19 luglio 201243minThis episode follows the case of Juan Raul Garza, the first drug kingpin. Garza and his gang made millions of dollars running drugs across "Marijuana Boulevard".Iscriviti a PrimeS1 E2 - The Ultimate Outlaw: Harry "Taco" Bowman
26 luglio 201243minBowman, as international president of the Outlaws Motorcycle Club, ordered kidnappings, firebombings, assaults and murders.Iscriviti a PrimeS1 E3 - The Godmother: Griselda Blanco
13 agosto 201243minGriselda Blanco, "The Godmother," is suspected of scores of murders while transporting cocaine from Colombia to New York, Miami, and Southern California.Iscriviti a PrimeS1 E4 - The Mayor of Harlem: Alberto "Alpo" Martinez
20 agosto 201243minThis episode profiles the rise and fall of Albert "Alpo" Martinez, dubbed the Mayor of Harlem. Alpo and two childhood friends, Azie Faison and Rich Porter, would become kings of the inner city in the mid-1980's.Iscriviti a PrimeS1 E5 - Machine Gun Johnny: Johnny Eng
27 agosto 201243minThis episode features the rise and fall of Johnny Eng, one of the most notorious drug traffickers in the history of Manhattan's Chinatown.Iscriviti a PrimeS1 E6 - King Blood: Luis Felipe
3 settembre 201243minThis episode explores the case of Luis Felipe, also known as "King Blood." From a prison cell, Felipe founded the New York chapter of the Latin Kings street gang.Iscriviti a PrimeS1 E7 - Anthony Shea and the No-Name Gang
10 settembre 201243minThis episode follows Anthony Shea, one of the most prolific bank and armored truck robbers, and his "no name" gang out of Charlestown, Massachusetts.Iscriviti a PrimeS1 E8 - The Queenpin: Jemeker Thompson
17 settembre 201243minThis episode explores the case of The Queenpin--Jemeker Thompson.Iscriviti a PrimeS1 E9 - Lethal Beauties: Beltran, Henao & Garcia
24 settembre 201243minThis episode explores the cases of three Lethal Beauties: Rosalie Garcia, Sandra Beltran, and Beatriz Henao.Iscriviti a Prime
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- Violenza uso di stupefacenti uso di alcol scene con fumatori contenuto sessuale
- Non disponibili
- Asylum Entertainment Delaware, L
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