Hitler's Most Wanted
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S1 E1 - Heinrich Himmler
Watch on supported devices14 maggio 201945minJames is retracing the story of Heinrich Himmler to find out how the middle class son of a schoolteacher became one of the main architects of Nazi evil. Second only to Hitler, Himmler was the criminal mastermind behind the Aryan breeding program known as Lebensborn, and the infamous death camps. Today, James picks up disturbing signs of fascism's resurgence in contemporary Munich.Guarda gratisS1 E2 - Josef Goebbels
Watch on supported devices1 febbraio 201845minHitler's minister of propaganda, Josef Goebbels was the mastermind behind the brainwashing campaign that eventually seduced Germany into joining the Nazi cause. James explores how the virulently anti-semitic Goebbels orchestrated a campaign of hate that paved the way for the Holocaust. Today, radicalism is again on the rise in Germany, and James joins a counter protest on the front lines.Guarda gratisS1 E3 - Hermann Goering
Watch on supported devices1 febbraio 201845minAs Hitler's second in command, Hermann Goering was a ruthless and flamboyant manipulator, and James is exploring how this revered fighter pilot of the First World War could emerge as a psychopathic war criminal in the Second. Addicted to wealth and power, Goering was willing to attain his goals by any means necessary, and as his power increased, so did his taste for the good life.Guarda gratisS1 E4 - Adolf Eichmann
Watch on supported devices21 maggio 201945minJames is on the trail of Adolf Eichmann, the notorious Nazi bureaucrat who escaped justice for 15 years until his trial made the Holocaust a household name. Under oath, Eichmann insisted he was a powerless middle manager who was simply following orders, and James is determined to find out if there's any truth to this. James meets with a prosecutor who's chasing criminals from the Third Reich.Guarda gratisS1 E5 - Albert Speer
Watch on supported devices1 febbraio 201845minThe architectural mastermind of the Third Reich, Albert Speer escaped the noose at the end of the war. But James believes there's a monstrous truth behind Speer's carefully crafted lies, and is determined to reveal the full extent of his crimes. James visits an underground concentration camp that leaves no doubt about Speer's eager participation in the atrocities of the Holocaust.Guarda gratisS1 E6 - Josef Mengele
Watch on supported devices1 febbraio 201845minThe demon doctor of Auschwitz, Josef Mengele conducted barbaric experiments on victims. Tracing the origin of his sadistic pseudo-science, James is on a mission to determine what so corrupted a medical doctor that he went down in history as the Angel of Death.Guarda gratisS1 E7 - Karl Donitz
Watch on supported devices31 gennaio 201845minHitler's naval commander Karl Donitz was a fanatical Nazi who would do anything to support the party's aims. After the war, he claimed he'd only been a sailor following orders, but James is determined to prove Donitz was a war criminal who earned his role as Hitler's successor.Guarda gratisS1 E8 - Hans Frank
Watch on supported devices1 febbraio 201845minAs Hitler's personal lawyer, Hans Frank twisted the law to further the Führer's brutal agenda, and in enslaving an entire nation became known as the Butcher of Poland. James is determined to find out how this lawyer turned into a power-hungry monster. A memorial in Berlin is a sobering reminder of the devastation caused by the racist Nazi laws Frank enforced.Guarda gratisS1 E9 - Wilhelm Canaris
Watch on supported devices1 febbraio 201845minAs Hitler's master spy, Wilhelm Canaris staged covert operations that ultimately caused chaos and destruction. But he was also a double agent who provided secrets to the Allies and helped Jews escape from Germany. It's a complex story, and James wants to know more. Berlin's spy museum outlines the many plots orchestrated by Canaris and the clever tools used by his operatives.Guarda gratisS1 E10 - Benito Mussolini
Watch on supported devices1 febbraio 201845minJames is in Italy where he's investigating Benito Mussolini-the brutal dictator whose violent path to power set the template for the rise of Nazi Germany. Though not a Nazi, Mussolini's fascist alliance with the Führer places him squarely inside Hitler's circle of evil.Guarda gratis
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