bbc select

Is China Watching You?

Stagione 1
China's surveillance and facial recognition technology is arguably the most advanced in the world. Their products account for over 40% of global sales to places like Germany, Ecuador, Uganda and the UK. However, this documentary reveals that some are worried that the countries going big on digital CCTV might also be opening the door to being spied on, but do these fears have any foundation?
20231 episodioTV-G
Periodo d’uso gratuito di BBC Select

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  1. S1 E1 - Is China Watching You?

    25 giugno 2023
    China's surveillance and facial recognition technology is arguably the most advanced in the world. Their products account for over 40% of global sales to places like Germany, Ecuador, Uganda and the UK. However, this documentary reveals that some are worried that the countries going big on digital CCTV might also be opening the door to being spied on, but do these fears have any foundation?
    Periodo d’uso gratuito di BBC Select


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Matthew Hill


Tom Stone


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