xivetv documentaries

Medieval Lives

Stagione 1
Helen Castor explores how the people of the Middle Ages handled the most fundamental moments of transition in life: Birth, marriage and death.
IMDb 7,720133 episodiX-Ray13+
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  1. S1 E1 - A Good Birth

    8 ottobre 2013
    1 h 1 min
    Birth was one of the most dangerous moments a medieval woman could ever encounter. There were no antiseptics and no anesthetics, but there was God.
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  2. S1 E2 - A Good Marriage

    15 ottobre 2013
    1 h 1 min
    Unlike birth and death, marriage is rite of passage made by choice, but it was not easy to impose rules on the human emotions of love and lust.
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  3. S1 E3 - A Good Death

    22 ottobre 2013
    1 h 1 min
    During the Middle Ages, death wasn’t an end but a doorway to everlasting life. The Church taught that eternity was more important than earthly deeds.
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