S1 E1 - All Roads Lead to Rome
Watch on supported devices17 aprile 201259minMary takes the Appian Way one of the earliest and most important roads of the Roman republic to the heart of the ancient epicenter of the Roman Empire Here she shows us the daily lives of ordinary citizens in imperial timesGuarda gratisS1 E2 - Street Life
Watch on supported devices24 aprile 201259minMary heads into the streets to discover the dirt crime sex and slum conditions in the worlds first highrise city Oddly enough the poorer you were the higher you lived with little space light or sanitationGuarda gratisS1 E3 - Behind Closed Doors
Watch on supported devices1 maggio 201259minTo learn about Roman family life Mary looks at thousands of tombstones of ordinary Romans their children and their slaves Each has a story waiting to be toldGuarda gratis
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