bbc select

Rise of the Nazis

How did a nation like Germany allow, and even welcome, the destructive and disturbing ideas of Nazism to take hold? Told by those closest to the Nazi propaganda machine, and those desperate to stop it, the rise of Hitler and his stranglehold on power are compellingly told. Was fascism something that had to happen, and what lessons can be learned to stop it happening again?
20203 episodiX-RayTV-PG
Periodo d’uso gratuito di BBC Select o acquisto

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  1. S1 E1 - Politics

    9 novembre 2020
    The Nazis used political maneuvering, blatant power grabs, and brute force to realize their evil ends. Hitler knew that only by looking like a legitimate electable party could he begin to destroy Germany’s democracy from within. The nation’s politicians failed to appreciate the diabolical pact they were making with the leader of the Nazis, which would lead to their ultimate destruction.
    Periodo d’uso gratuito di BBC Select o acquisto
  2. S1 E2 - The First Six Months in Power

    16 novembre 2020
    At the start of 1933, Hitler was chancellor of Germany, but he wanted to increase his stranglehold on power. So he set his sights on dismantling the German state from within. As his political maneuvering increased, the building of secret death camps began, designed to silence his critics. As opposition was violently quashed, the SS grew in strength and a dictatorship began to take hold.
    Periodo d’uso gratuito di BBC Select o acquisto
  3. S1 E3 - Night of the Long Knives

    23 novembre 2020
    The brutality of Hitler and his overwhelming lust for power are soon on display as he continues to destroy Germany’s democracy from within. Members of the aristocratic elite are still in positions of power, but soon the Nazis and their violent stormtrooper hordes silence even the slightest criticism. Even those closest to Hitler realize that he cannot be trusted and everyone is expendable.
    Periodo d’uso gratuito di BBC Select o acquisto


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Julian Jones


Ella WrightCatalina Bingham


Kate Fleetwood


72 Films Ltd
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