Roman Megastructures
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S1 E1 - Arelate
Watch on supported devices8 agosto 202352minThe monuments of Arles are World Heritage Sites and the town's Roman past is visible throughout. Here, for the first time, is the architectural odyssey of the most elegant Gallo-Roman city in History. Thanks to architectural research, today, the city's old stones can tell us with greater precision and finesse the story of this prodigious city and its inhabitants during the Roman era.Guarda gratisS1 E2 - Lugdunum
Watch on supported devices8 agosto 202353minToday, Lyon is the third-largest city in France but during ancient times, it was the largest. At the time, the capital of the Gauls was called Lugdunum. Between the end of the first century BC and the second century AD, all the monuments worthy of a Roman capital would be built in the city and Lyon would become a showcase for Rome in these lands conquered by Julius Caesar.Guarda gratisS1 E3 - Lutetia
Watch on supported devices8 agosto 202353minUsing 3D imagery, reconstitutions and interviews with historians and archaeologists, this documentary will tell the story of Gallo-Roman Paris and uncover the vestiges of ancient Paris: Lutetia. With its 2,185 monuments, today, Paris is the world's most touristic capital city with sites like the Arènes de Lutèce monuments in Paris, the Gallo-Roman amphitheatre, the Thermes de Cluny, and more!Guarda gratis
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