Secret Societies: In the Shadows
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S1 E1 - The Templars
Watch on supported devices4 settembre 202244minAn ancient society of warriors, and one that has inspired so many societies that followed.Guarda gratisS1 E2 - The Illuminati
Watch on supported devices4 settembre 202244minIs the Illuminati a New World Order? Although the ultimate secret order was disbanded in 1785, some claim this elite group continues to control power from behind closed doors.Guarda gratisS1 E3 - The Skull & Bones
Watch on supported devices4 settembre 202244minYale's ultra-secret society is a pinnacle of the elite. Its members have become Presidents, Supreme Court Justices, and heads of industry.Guarda gratisS1 E4 - Le Cercle
Watch on supported devices4 settembre 202244minWhat started in the post-war years as a Catholic conservative group built to broker European rapprochement now operates as a shadow intelligence agency that is rumored to control world politics.Guarda gratisS1 E5 - The Freemasons
Watch on supported devices4 settembre 202244minFrom an ancient stoneworker's guild through to the modern era, their mythologies, beliefs, and secret rituals have inspired countless works of fiction and speculation.Guarda gratisS1 E6 - The Hermetic Order of the Gold Dawn
Watch on supported devices4 settembre 202244minThe Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was a secret society that dabbled in the occult. It laid the groundwork for modern Wiccanism and esoteric practices and its members studied alchemy and astral travel.Guarda gratis
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