South Pacific

Stagione 1
BBC America: This landmark series explores the sheer scale and majesty of the largest ocean on Earth, the isolation of its islands, the journeys wildlife and humans have gone through to reach these specks of land, and what happened to both after their arrival.
IMDb 8,720096 episodi7+
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  1. S1 E1 - Ocean of Islands

    11 luglio 2009
    BBC America: The South Pacific islands are the most remote in the world. Their extraordinary isolation has created the most curious, surprising and precarious examples of life found anywhere on Earth.
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  2. S1 E2 - Castaways

    11 luglio 2009
    BBC America: In the South Pacific, there is no such thing as a deserted island. They may be the most isolated in the world, but across this vast region every one of its 20,000 islands has been colonised.
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  3. S1 E3 - Endless Blue

    11 luglio 2009
    BBC America: Much of this remote, blue wilderness is a marine desert. Many animals that live in the ocean (among them sharks, whales and turtles) must go to extraordinary lengths to survive.
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  4. S1 E4 - Ocean of Volcanoes

    30 maggio 2009
    BBC America: Witness the birth, growth and death of an island in the greatest ocean on Earth. Millions of years are condensed into an hour, revealing unforgettable images of an erupting underwater volcano.
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  5. S1 E5 - Strange Islands

    12 luglio 2009
    BBC America: On the isolated islands of the South Pacific, the wildlife has evolved in extraordinary ways. But island living can carry a high price, for when new species arrive, all hell breaks loose.
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  6. S1 E6 - Fragile Paradise

    12 luglio 2009
    BBC America: The South Pacific is the greatest ocean on Earth. It is still relatively healthy and teeming with fish, but it is a fragile paradise. Like all our oceans, it has little or no protection. So what is being done to preserve this ocean and its wildlife?
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