Surf's Up 2: Wave Mania

Adventure-inclined penguin Cody Maverick convinces an infamous big wave riding crew known as The Hang 5 to journey with him to a mysterious surf spot known as The Trenches, where the crew will supposedly find the biggest waves in the world.
IMDb 4,51 h 23 min2017X-RayPG
Disponibile per il noleggio o l’acquisto

I noleggi includono 30 giorni per iniziare a guardare il video e 48 ore per completarlo una volta iniziato.


Maggiori informazioni

Lingue audio

EnglishEnglish [Audio Description]English Dialogue Boost: MediumEnglish Dialogue Boost: High


English [CC]


Henry Yu


Michelle WongHenry Yu


Jeremy ShadaJon HederMelissa SturmJohn CenaMark Calaway


Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
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