The Crimean War
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S1 E1 - The Reason Why
Watch on supported devices5 gennaio 201851minThe first program looks at the reasons behind the war, and why Britain allied itself against Imperial Russia.Guarda gratisS1 E2 - The Valley of Death
Watch on supported devices5 gennaio 201851minThis program looks at the epic charge of the Light Brigade, when a misunderstood Order sent troops straight into the main Russian artillery during the Battle of Balaclava. It also looks at the later Battle of Inkerman and the work of Florence Nightingale.Guarda gratisS1 E3 - War and Peace
Watch on supported devices5 gennaio 201851minThe final program looks at the aftermath of the war with Germany, with Italy and Romania springing up from the ashes of the confrontation. Meanwhile, in defeated Russia, the peasants and serfs where sowing the seeds of a future revolution.Guarda gratis
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Avviso sui contenuti
- Violenza uso di alcol scene con fumatori linguaggio volgare
- Non disponibili
- Mick Gold
- Paul Kerr
- Total Content Digital
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