bbc select

The Crusades

Stagione 1
Bloody and brutal, the Crusades were meant to be the religious wars to end all wars. But in modern times, their history has been hijacked by many, with both Muslim and Western worlds misunderstanding the truth for their own ends. This fascinating history documentary for BBC Select sets out to uncover the truth behind the Crusades. Why was such unspeakable violence conducted in the name of God?
20123 episodiTUTTI
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  1. S1 E1 - Holy Land

    17 gennaio 2012
    Using fresh research and contemporary accounts, this remarkable history documentary for BBC Select re-examines the military confrontations between Christians and Muslims in the Holy Land. Beginning in the 11th century, the first crusaders endured starvation, disease and bloodthirsty battles in an attempt to reach their sacred goal. But were these holy warriors as heroic as history portrays them?
    Periodo d’uso gratuito di BBC Select
  2. S1 E2 - The Clash of Titans

    24 gennaio 2012
    Two men dominated the Third Crusade: Richard the Lionheart and his adversary Saladin, who led the Christian and Muslim forces respectively. This enthralling history documentary for BBC Select, reveals how both men were capable of dark deeds, as well as military genius. But as they clashed, whose nerve would hold and who would find themselves defeated just as victory was in their grasp?
    Periodo d’uso gratuito di BBC Select
  3. S1 E3 - Victory and Defeat

    31 gennaio 2012
    The outcome of the Crusades wasn't decided on the hallowed ground of Jerusalem, but in Egypt. The final episode of this fascinating history documentary for BBC Select, looks at the conclusion of these epic holy wars. As trade blossomed between Christians and Muslims, a saintly French king and the most remarkable Muslim leader of the Middle Ages battled in the East. But who would be victorious?
    Periodo d’uso gratuito di BBC Select


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Chris WilsonJames GraySarah Jobling


Chris WilsonJames GraySarah JoblingJohn Farren


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