The Hot Zone
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S1 E1 - Arrival
26 maggio 201946minLt. Col. Jaax is a wife and mother of two, with one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. Every day she handles the world's most deadly viruses.Iscriviti a PrimeS1 E2 - Cell H
26 maggio 201949minLt. Col. Jaax must take matters into her own hands. She convinces an employee at the research facility to hand over samples from the infected monkeys.Iscriviti a PrimeS1 E3 - Charlie Foxtrot
27 maggio 201945minAn employee at the monkey research facility falls ill, causing Jaax to fear the virus has spread to the human population.Iscriviti a PrimeS1 E4 - Expendable
27 maggio 201948minA team of animal care specialists at USAMRIID heads out to eradicate the virus at the facility, while more employees are tested for possible exposure.Iscriviti a PrimeS1 E5 - Quarantine
28 maggio 201945minInside the research facility, unforeseen dangers arise. Jaax works tirelessly to find out why the virus behaves differently in humans than expected.Iscriviti a PrimeS1 E6 - Hidden
28 maggio 201944minEfforts to contain panic are threatened when the press arrive and neighbors become aware of the danger next door.Iscriviti a Prime
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The Hot Zone - Behind the Scenes
THE HOT ZONE, starring Julianna Margulies, is inspired by a true story about the arrival of the deadly virus Ebola on U.S. soil in 1989, and the desperate efforts to contain it.
THE HOT ZONE, starring Julianna Margulies, is inspired by a true story about the arrival of the deadly virus Ebola on U.S. soil in 1989, and the desperate efforts to contain it.
THE HOT ZONE, starring Julianna Margulies, is inspired by a true story about the arrival of the deadly virus Ebola on U.S. soil in 1989, and the desperate efforts to contain it.
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Avviso sui contenuti
- Violenza uso di stupefacenti uso di alcol scene con fumatori linguaggio volgare
- Non disponibili
- Fox 21
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