
The Story of Europe

Stagione 1
This series tells the story of Europe in six glossy episodes exploring different chapters of its eventful history. It's a journey through time and across space, from physical beginnings to the first human settlers, the evolution of European culture and religion, historical achievements in exploration, technology and politics, and a daring look at the continent's present and future.
20176 episodi13+
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  1. S1 E1 - Origins and Identity

    21 ottobre 2017
    Where and when does the history of Europe begin? The traces lead to ancient Greece, more precisely to Crete: Here we not only found the first high culture of the continent, but also the founding myth, to which it owes its name: The story of the kidnapping of the Phoenician princess Europa by the Greek god father Zeus. Then all roads lead to Rome.
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  2. S1 E2 - Beliefs and Ideas

    28 ottobre 2017
    For many Europeans, Europe today is synonymous with the "Christian Occident". But like so much of what has shaped our civilization, Christianity also comes from the Orient. And it is not the only "one-faith belief" that shapes the continent: even before Christianity, Judaism spread throughout the Roman Empire. And on the Iberian Peninsula Muslim Moors rule from the 8th to the 15th century.
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  3. S1 E3 - Ambitions and Conquests

    4 novembre 2017
    From the 15th to well into the 20th century, Europeans conquered and dominated the world: On behalf of the Spaniards, Christopher Columbus seeks a new sea route to India and finds a "New World": America! His discovery is the starting signal for the "Europeanization of the Earth". The Europeans are given a "golden age", in their colonies millions of indigenous people and slaves fall victim to it.
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  4. S1 E4 - Achievements and Rewards

    11 novembre 2017
    Europe's history has many dark sides, but its culture is more than a small gleam of hope, it radiates in many areas far out into the world. The old continent sets standards in art, literature and science. Starting with the ancient Greeks, Europe produces a number of smart and creative minds: from Aristotle to Michelangelo and Einstein, from Beethoven to the Beatles.
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  5. S1 E5 - Commonalities and Division

    18 novembre 2017
    Europe has been a battle concept for centuries: it often takes foreign enemies to weld the Europeans together. But for centuries, they are primarily fighting against themselves. It was not until the Enlightenment and the French Revolution of 1789 that a new idea of Europe emerged based on common values: freedom, equality and fraternalism.
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  6. S1 E6 - State of Play

    25 novembre 2017
    Europe has never experienced such a long period of peace and prosperity as after the Second World War. When the Iron Curtain falls in 1989, the dream of a Europe united in peace and freedom seems finally to become reality. But whether financial or refugee crisis - the European euphoria has disappeared, nationalists are on the rise again. Not only since the "Brexit" Europe threatens to break up.
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Martin CarazoChristel FommSabine KlauserDorothea NölleChristian TwenteGero von Boehm




Christopher Clark


Gruppe 5 Filmproduktion GmbH
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