
The Travel Detective

CBS News Travel Editor Peter Greenberg empowers his viewers with travel news, must-have information, and insider secrets known only to a select few in the industry.
IMDb 6,920138 episodi13+
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  1. S2 E1 - Training Passengers Like Crew Members

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    3 ottobre 2013
    Ever wonder how you can prepare for an emergency just like a flight crew member? CBS News Travel Editor Peter Greenberg takes us to a unique real-world airline safety program in London.
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  2. S2 E2 - Boating Safety

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    3 ottobre 2013
    There are hundreds of boating fatalities every year and most of those are avoidable. CBS News Travel Editor Peter Greenberg takes an in-depth look at boating safety and explains what you can do to save lives, including your own.
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  3. S2 E3 - Airline Safety Rankings

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    3 ottobre 2013
    How safe is your airline and how do the world's airlines actually rank? CBS News Travel Editor Peter Greenberg takes a very serious look at the hard data, and says there are some huge surprises over which airlines pass muster, and which airlines don't.
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  4. S2 E4 - Dark Science of Menu Engineering

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    3 ottobre 2013
    The next time you go out to eat at a restaurant, whether it's at Denny's or a 5 Star establishment, do you have any idea what you're going to order, before you get there? Probably not. However, the restaurant might know!
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  5. S2 E5 - Over the Top Airline Seats

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    3 ottobre 2013
    The airline industry is one of the most competitive in the world, with carriers scrambling to pack more and more bodies on board. But, there's another way airlines can turn a profit: charge more for the seats.
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  6. S2 E6 - The Invisibles

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    3 ottobre 2013
    Do you ever wonder who really runs the travel industry? We're not talking about the corporate CEO's or hotel general managers, but rather, the people who load your bags on the plane or bring the towels to your room.
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  7. S2 E7 - Constructing a Mega Resort

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    3 ottobre 2013
    Modern resorts are getting bigger and even more impressive. But did you ever think of how difficult it is to build one of them? CBS News Travel Editor Peter Greenberg goes behind the scenes and shows us the construction of one of the biggest resorts of all-time: the much-delayed Baha Mar, in the Bahamas.
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  8. S2 E8 - Egypt Tourism

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    3 ottobre 2013
    In 2011, there was the Arab Spring, a revolution in Egypt that was quickly followed by the Arab Winter. Travel and tourism flatlined in the country. CBS News Travel Editor Peter Greenberg explains how this impacted Egypt and, more importantly, how does that impact you as travelers?
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Peter Greenberg


Seth Goldman


Peter Greenberg


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