
Wild Ones

Stagione 1
Who is the King? TV series finds inspiration in the rhythms of nature as shown through the wonders of the animal kingdom. It explores different aspects of animal behavior, including hunting techniques and feeding habits, family relationships and defense mechanisms, courtship and mating rituals.
201413 episodiTV-G
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  1. S1 E1 - Biggest

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    1 gennaio 2014
    In the modern world, the largest land animals are the several species of elephants native to Africa and Asia. Biggest of all is the African bush or savanna elephant, which inhabits a patchy range of sub-Saharan Africa, favoring open woodland, scrub and even desert environments.
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  2. S1 E2 - Dangerous on Land

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    1 gennaio 2014
    The Most Dangerous Animals episode offers an exciting look at nature with close-ups of wild cats, snakes, crocodiles, scorpions, etc., focusing on the animals' methods of defense or predation (venom, teeth, claws, size, etc.). In this episode you will learn everything there is to know about the wild world of dangerous animals.
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  3. S1 E3 - Australia

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    1 gennaio 2014
    The proud and majestic dingo, the iconic kangaroos, cats that roam wild, the delightfully bizarre platypus and the unmistakable koala - all call Australia home.
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  4. S1 E4 - Fastest

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    1 gennaio 2014
    This episode features animals that move at extreme speeds when they jump, run, or fly. Some of the animals shown include a kangaroo, a zebra, a lion, and a bald eagle.
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  5. S1 E5 - Micro Predators

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    1 gennaio 2014
    There are over a million ants to every person on the planet and these tiny creatures present the worlds greatest army. Slave maker ants take the larva of other ants and rear the off-spring to a life of servitude, meat eater ants make super-nests that stretch over half a kilometer while fire ants administer blister raising stings.
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  6. S1 E6 - Camouflage

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    1 gennaio 2014
    The worlds most famous master of disguise, the resplendent chameleon is more than just an ever changing face. Able to change not only their colour but also their patterns the pink, blue, red, green, orange, black, yellow, turquoise and purple chameleons that we visit use these colour changes to communicate, letting others know their mood, their intention and their sexual state.
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  7. S1 E7 - Cutest

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    1 gennaio 2014
    Baby animals are cuddly and adorable. This episode consists of beautiful footage of 10 different baby animals. Each segment begins with the question of what the baby animal is called, to engage toddlers so they can learn a little about the species. After that it, it is hard not to fall helplessly in love with them.
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  8. S1 E8 - Masters of the Sky

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    1 gennaio 2014
    Birds are some of the world's most intriguing creatures! We will fly with amazing birds over deserts, seas, woodlands, and lush rainforests. From pelican to chattering parrots, kestrels to eagles, there are lots of feathered friends to meet in this episode.
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  9. S1 E9 - Venomous/Poisonous

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    1 gennaio 2014
    This episode gives an introduction to the world of venomous animals and how they use their poisons. Venomous creatures such as snakes and spiders are the stuff of human nightmares. Yet toxins are a regular part of the animal world, an essential tool for hunting and defense.
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  10. S1 E10 - Migration

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    1 gennaio 2014
    Wildebeest and Zebra - Africa's most famous drifters. Hundreds of thousands of zebra live together in the Serengeti. Their distinctive eye-catching stripes are as unique as fingerprints and even within the largest of gatherings no two zebra will be found with exactly the same stripes.
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  11. S1 E11 - Strongest

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    1 gennaio 2014
    This episode takes a look at several animals that use their strength to survive in the wild, many of which can lift objects many times their weight.
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  12. S1 E12 - Smartest

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    1 gennaio 2014
    Earth is filled with a wide variety of creatures. Living organisms need to hear, think, see, and adapt with precision in order to evolve, flourish, and survive on this planet.It is amazing to see that some animals actually have a certain sense of natural instincts that are unknown to humans. Animal populations are much smarter than many humans give them credit for.
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  13. S1 E13 - Who Is The King?

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    1 gennaio 2014
    The top ten of the different species covered in the series: the longest, the best predator, the strongest, the smartest ...
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