the great courses signature collection

How the Medici Shaped the Renaissance

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Explore the dazzling trajectory of the Medici, where you’ll trace the founding of the Medici dynasty, learn how the Medici commissioned iconic works of art and architecture, encounter towering Medici luminaries, and follow how the Medici ultimately became hereditary rulers.
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Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen

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  1. S1 AFL. 1 - Florence at the Dawn of the Renaissance

    12 augustus 2021
    Begin by considering the pervasive “Medici Myth” surrounding the illustrious family—the “White” myth, which extols their achievements, and the “Black” myth, which harshly criticizes their influence. Take into account the historical methods that will be used throughout this series. Also explore the social and political conditions within 14th-century Florence that gave rise to the Renaissance.
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  2. S1 AFL. 2 - The Foundations of Medici Greatness

    12 augustus 2021
    Chart the extraordinary life of Giovanni di Bicci de’ Medici, considered the founder of the Medici family. Learn how Giovanni founded the Medici bank, and rose through banking and government to a position of great wealth and eminence, building a coalition of Florentines dedicated to Medici interests. Observe how the Medici family and bank became a controlling interest in Florentine politics.
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  3. S1 AFL. 3 - The Godfather: Cosimo de’ Medici

    12 augustus 2021
    Cosimo de’ Medici, heir to Giovanni, took the reins of the Medici family and its dynasty. Grasp how Cosimo amassed power through patronage of the humanities and financial dealings with government. Witness the crises through which he ultimately dominated the Republic of Florence, highlighting the role of the Duomo Cathedral and the astonishing story of his exile and return to Florence as ruler.
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  4. S1 AFL. 4 - The Gouty: Piero de’ Medici

    12 augustus 2021
    Learn how Cosimo de’ Medici undertook to make Florence the most beautiful city in Europe, commissioning numerous public buildings and masterpieces of art. Then follow the brief reign of his son, Piero, whose skillful navigation of currents of dissent and revolution, aided by the brilliant partnership of his wife, Lucrezia, solidified the foundations of the Medici dynasty.
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  5. S1 AFL. 5 - Lorenzo the Magnificent

    12 augustus 2021
    Delve into the early life of Lorenzo, the most celebrated of the Medici, where he excelled as a poet, author, and diplomat. Grasp how Lorenzo skillfully balanced his obligations to the state with his love of art, family, and fine living. Witness his ascent to become chief advisor to Florence’s government, and the political trials that led to a conspiracy and attempt on his life.
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  6. S1 AFL. 6 - Magnificence Achieved

    12 augustus 2021
    Assess the extraordinary accomplishments and influence of Lorenzo de’ Medici, called Il Magnifico. Observe how, excommunicated by the pope and facing vast political challenges and threats of war, he almost single-handedly held Italy peacefully together, balancing the powers of Venice, Milan, Naples, and Rome, while maintaining his family’s wealth and its grip on Florence.
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  7. S1 AFL. 7 - The First Collapse of the Medici Regime

    12 augustus 2021
    Examine the extraordinary circumstances of Lorenzo de’ Medici’s decline and death, highlighting the role of the politically influential friar, Girolamo Savonarola. Follow the highly charged events surrounding Piero de’ Medici’s assumption of power, and the outbreak of bloody war which ultimately forced Piero and his brothers to flee into exile, ending 60 years of Medici power in Florence.
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  8. S1 AFL. 8 - Theocracy and Republicanism at Florence

    12 augustus 2021
    Relive the period in which the Florentine Republic was reinstated in a populist revolution overseen by the religious figure of Savonarola. Trace the upheavals that led to Savonarola’s fall, and the maneuvering by the Medici in Rome to ally with the papacy and the Spanish. Witness the military actions through which, after nearly 20 years in exile, the Medici returned as rulers of Florence.
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  9. S1 AFL. 9 - The Medici Restoration

    12 augustus 2021
    Study the political landscape of Florence under the direction of the Cardinal Giovanni de’ Medici and his younger brother, Giuliano, the secular head of the family. Learn the story of the ensuing conspiracy to assassinate Giuliano, and Giovanni’s elevation as Pope Leo X. Observe the internecine struggles within the family culminating with a second Medici pope and the brutal sack of Rome.
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  10. S1 AFL. 10 - The Last Florentine Republic

    12 augustus 2021
    Following the expulsion of the Medici from Florence in the wake of the sack of Rome, study the divisions that plagued the final Florentine Republic. Witness the political alliances that led to the siege of Florence by the Holy Roman Emperor, the events ending in the return of the Medici to the city, and the rewriting of the Florentine constitution, naming the Medici as hereditary rulers.
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  11. S1 AFL. 11 - The Black Prince: Alessandro de’ Medici

    12 augustus 2021
    Carefully consider Alessandro de’ Medici, a debauched and cruel ruler. Learn about the “cult of Brutus,” a movement that believed in assassination to achieve republican goals, and its connection with the sordid death of Alessandro. Then, encounter his successor, the ruthless and capable Cosimo de’ Medici, who further solidified Medici power, as well as Florence’s stature and independence.
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  12. S1 AFL. 12 - Cosimo I de’ Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany

    12 augustus 2021
    Conclude with a view of some of the later Medici luminaries. Among them, assess the accomplishments of Cosimo de’ Medici, granted the title of Grand Duke; the judicious Ferdinando de’ Medici, whose civic and social policies attended a new era of prosperity; and Catherine de Medici, who imported Florentine culture to France as the French queen. Finally, learn about the Medici dynasty’s decline.
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen


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William Landon


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