the great courses signature collection

Human Prehistory and the First Civilizations

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Where do we come from? How did our ancestors settle this planet? How did the historic civilizations of the world develop? How does a past so shadowy that it has to be painstakingly reconstructed from fragmentary, largely unwritten records nonetheless make us who and what we are? This broad survey course begins with the origins of the earliest evolving humans more than 2.5 million years ago.
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Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen

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  1. S1 AFL. 1 - Introducing Human Prehistory

    19 juni 2024
    Get an introduction to the themes of the course, including emerging human biological and cultural diversity as well as our similarities, the importance of climatic and environmental change, and the importance of seeing prehistory as a tale of people and their beliefs, not just archaeological sites.
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  2. S1 AFL. 2 - In the Beginning

    19 juni 2024
    Evidence of human origins dates from between 6 million and 3 million years ago. What anatomical and behavioral changes occurred among hominids across this vast expanse of time? What fossil forms define the earliest stages of human evolution?
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  3. S1 AFL. 3 - Our Earliest Ancestors

    19 juni 2024
    The earliest tool-making hominids appeared between 3 million and 2 million years ago. Evidence from Louis and Mary Leakey's excavations at the famous Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania suggests that "Homo habilis," the first toolmaker, used these stone implements as aids in scavenging and foraging.
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  4. S1 AFL. 4 - The First Human Diaspora

    19 juni 2024
    Until about 730,000 years ago, world climate seems to have been fairly stable. Since then, climate shifts including Ice Ages have played a major role in human biological and cultural evolution, as we can see by considering theories of how humans first moved from Africa to Asia.
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  5. S1 AFL. 5 - The First Europeans

    19 juni 2024
    Europe seems to have been colonized only about 800,000 years ago—the dating is controversial. Archaeological research indicates people who lived a flexible and highly mobile life, but with cognitive and linguistic abilities that seem no match for those of modern humans.
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  6. S1 AFL. 6 - The Neanderthals

    19 juni 2024
    This lecture clears away many of the misleading stereotypes about these nimble, efficient hunters who used simple but versatile tools in order to adapt impressively to the harsh climate of late Ice Age Europe and Eurasia.
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  7. S1 AFL. 7 - The Origins of "Homo sapiens sapiens"

    19 juni 2024
    You learn the compelling evidence from molecular biology that shows the origins of "Homo sapiens sapiens," modern humans, lie in tropical Africa more than 100,000 years ago.
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  8. S1 AFL. 8 - The Great Diaspora

    19 juni 2024
    The spread of modern humans from Africa into other parts of the world is one of the great dramas of prehistory. Why did it occur, and how did the Sahara Desert play a critical role in it?
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  9. S1 AFL. 9 - The World of the Cro-Magnons

    19 juni 2024
    The modern humans whom we call Cro-Magnons began to settle Europe 45,000 years ago. What was their crucial advantage over Neanderthals and other more archaic people? How did the Cro-Magnons bring together the material and spiritual worlds in ways never before seen?
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  10. S1 AFL. 10 - Artists and Mammoth Hunters

    19 juni 2024
    What are the major features of Cro-Magnon mobile and cave art? How can we evaluate the various theories that have been put forward to explain what it means? How did the unique big-game hunting societies of the late Ice Age cope with their exceptionally harsh environment?
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  11. S1 AFL. 11 - The First Americans

    19 juni 2024
    How and when the Americas were first settled is one of the most controversial questions in the entire field of prehistory. This talk outlines the basic issues and describes the two major competing hypotheses and the relevant evidence.
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  12. S1 AFL. 12 - The Paleo-Indians and Afterward

    19 juni 2024
    Hunter-gatherer societies began to flourish in North America about 14,000 years ago. They differed across regions, from the more densely peopled Eastern woodlands to the plains and the drier West, but all had elaborate beliefs reflected in art, burial customs, and ceremonial objects.
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  13. S1 AFL. 13 - After the Ice Age

    19 juni 2024
    What vast climatic changes followed the end of the Ice Age about 10,000 years ago? How did a huge glacial-meltwater release in Canada affect the climate thousands of miles away in the Near East so profoundly that it may have sparked the development of agriculture?
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  14. S1 AFL. 14 - The First Farmers

    19 juni 2024
    What do excavations of early farming settlements at Abu Hureyra, Syria, and Jericho, Jordan, tell us about how the change from hunting and collecting to herding and farming took place?
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  15. S1 AFL. 15 - Why Farming?

    19 juni 2024
    What are the leading theories about the beginnings of agriculture? Why is it the case that the consequences of agriculture are more interesting than its origins? How do the remains of early farming societies in southwestern Asia and the Nile Valley help us to trace these effects?
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  16. S1 AFL. 16 - The First European Farmers

    19 juni 2024
    Europe was a sparsely inhabited place until farmers began to spread rapidly across it from southeast to northwest beginning in about 7,000 B.C. Could the sudden formation of the Black Sea by the rising waters of the Mediterranean have been the trigger for this diffusion?
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  17. S1 AFL. 17 - Farming in Asia and Settling the Pacific

    19 juni 2024
    Rice has been grown in the Yangtze Valley of southern China since before 7,000 B.C., with millet farming in the Huangho Valley of the north about a millennium behind. But the many islands lying far off Asia could not be settled until root crops like taro and yams were domesticated.
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  18. S1 AFL. 18 - The Story of Maize

    19 juni 2024
    The tale of how researchers traced domestic corn or maize to its wild Mesoamerican ancestor (a grass called teosinte) is one of the great detective stories in prehistory. Spreading both north and south, the farming of maize and associated crops such as beans would transform the landscape of both Americas.
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  19. S1 AFL. 19 - The Origins of States and Civilization

    19 juni 2024
    The world's first civilizations appeared in southwest Asia about 5,000 years ago. What makes a "civilization," and what do all preindustrial civilizations have in common? What are the theories accounting for civilizations' expansions?
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  20. S1 AFL. 20 - Sumerian Civilization

    19 juni 2024
    Evolving out of innovative farming societies that used irrigation to grow food between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, the small, competing city-states of Sumer were engaging in long-distance trade by 4000 B.C. and then became parts of a drive to form much larger empires.
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  21. S1 AFL. 21 - Ancient Egyptian Civilization to the Old Kingdom

    19 juni 2024
    The long, fertile, green ribbon of the Nile Valley is the setting for this most famous and flamboyant of ancient civilizations. Beginning, as had Sumer, in a series of smaller kingdoms along the river, Egypt's pyramid-building "Old Kingdom" flourished till 2180 B.C.
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  22. S1 AFL. 22 - Ancient Egypt—Middle and New Kingdoms

    19 juni 2024
    How did Mentuhotep, the politically gifted ruler who restored the Middle Kingdom, redefine his own role as pharaoh in order to achieve this? How did the New Kingdom of Ramses II and company redefine it as Egyptian military and imperial power grew?
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  23. S1 AFL. 23 - The Minoan Civilization of Crete

    19 juni 2024
    In journeying north across the eastern Mediterranean from Egypt, we come across the Minoan civilization of Crete, whose site was the Palace of Minos at Knossos on that island. What made the religious beliefs at the heart of Minoan civilization so different from those found in other early states?
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  24. S1 AFL. 24 - The Eastern Mediterranean World

    19 juni 2024
    Among the high points of this talk is the discussion of the remarkable Uluburun shipwreck, an amazing 1984 find off the coast of Turkey that contains a rich cargo drawn from nine regions and gives us a superb window on the burgeoning world of international trade c. 1300 B.C.
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
  25. S1 AFL. 25 - The Harappan Civilization of South Asia

    19 juni 2024
    This civilization rose in the Indus Valley of what is now Pakistan before 2500 B.C. In a way, it was a result of the rise of cities in Mesopotamia because trade with that area seems to have stimulated the rise of cities along the Indus. Were Harappan religious beliefs the ancestors of Hinduism?
    Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen


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The Great Courses


Brian M. Fagan


The Great Courses
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