Mysteries of Modern Physics: Time
Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
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S1 AFL. 1 - Why Time Is a Mystery
27 september 201233min.Begin your study of the physics of time with these questions: What is a clock? What does it mean to say that "time passes"? What is the "arrow of time"? Then look at the concept of entropy and how it holds the key to the one-way direction of time in our universe.#Science & MathematicsGratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 2 - What Is Time?
1 september 201230min.Approach time from a philosophical perspective. "Presentism" holds that the past and future are not real; only the present moment is real. However, the laws of physics appear to support "eternalism"--the view that all of the moments in the history of the universe are equally real.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 3 - Keeping Time
1 september 201231min.How do we measure the passage of time? Discover that practical concerns have driven the search for more and more accurate clocks. In the 18th century, the problem of determining longitude was solved with a timepiece of unprecedented accuracy. Today's GPS navigation units rely on clocks accurate to a billionth of a second.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 4 - Time's Arrow
1 september 201229min.Embark on the quest that will occupy the rest of the course: Why is there an arrow of time? Explore how memory and aging orient us in time. Then look at irreversible processes, such as an egg breaking or ice melting. These capture the essence of the one-way direction of time.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 5 - The Second Law of Thermodynamics
1 september 201231min.Trace the history of the second law of thermodynamics, considered by many physicists to be the one law of physics most likely to survive unaltered for the next thousand years. The second law says that entropy--the degree of disorder in a closed system--only increases or stays the same.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 6 - Reversibility and the Laws of Physics
1 september 201230min.Isaac Newton's laws of physics are fully reversible; particles can move forward or backward in time without any inconsistency. But this is not our experience in the world, where the arrow of time is fundamentally connected to irreversible processes and the increase in entropy.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 7 - Time Reversal in Particle Physics
1 september 201231min.Explore advances in physics since Newton's time that reveal exceptions to the rule that interactions between moving particles are fully reversible. Could irreversible reactions between elementary particles explain the arrow of time? Weigh the evidence for and against this view.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 8 - Time in Quantum Mechanics
1 september 201231min.Quantum mechanics is the most precise theory ever invented, yet it leads to startling interpretations of the nature of reality. Probe a quantum state called the collapse of the wave function that may underlie the arrow of time. Are the indications that it shows irreversibility real or only illusory?Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 9 - Entropy and Counting
1 september 201231min.After establishing in previous lectures that the arrow of time must be due to entropy, begin a deep exploration of this phenomenon. In the 1870s, physicist Ludwig Boltzmann proposed a definition of entropy that explains why it increases toward the future. Analyze this idea in detail.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 10 - Playing with Entropy
1 september 201232min.Sharpen your understanding of entropy by examining different macroscopic systems and asking, which has higher entropy and which has lower entropy? Also evaluate James Clerk Maxwell's famous thought experiment about a demon who seemingly defies the principle that entropy always increases.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 11 - The Past Hypothesis
1 september 201229min.Boltzmann explains why entropy will be larger in the future, but he doesn't show why it was smaller in the past. Learn that physics can't account for this difference except by assuming that the universe started in a state of very low entropy. This assumption is called the past hypothesis.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 12 - Memory, Causality, and Action
1 september 201230min.Can physics shed light on human aspects of the arrow of time such as memory, cause and effect, and free will? Learn that everyday features of experience that you take for granted trace back to the low entropy state of the universe at the big bang, 13.7 billion years ago.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 13 - Boltzmann Brains
1 september 201231min.One possible explanation for order in the universe is that it is a random fluctuation from a disordered state. Could the entire universe be one such fluctuation, now in the process of returning to disorder? Investigate a scenario called "Boltzmann brains" that suggests not.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 14 - Complexity and Life
1 september 201231min.Discover that Maxwell's demon from lecture 10 provides the key to understanding how complexity and life can exist in a universe in which entropy is increasing. Consider how life is not only compatible with, but is an outgrowth of, the second law of thermodynamics and the arrow of time.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 15 - The Perception of Time
1 september 201232min.Turn to the way humans perceive time, which can vary greatly from clock time. In particular, focus on experiments that shed light on our time sense. For example, tests show that even though we think we perceive the present moment, we actually live 80 milliseconds in the past.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 16 - Memory and Consciousness
1 september 201231min.Remembering the past and projecting into the future are crucial for human consciousness, as shown by cases where these faculties are impaired. Investigate what happens in the brain when we remember, exploring different kinds of memory and the phenomena of false memories and false forgetting.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 17 - Time and Relativity
1 september 201231min.According to Einstein's special theory of relativity, there is no such thing as a moment in time spread throughout the universe. Instead, time is one of four dimensions in spacetime. Learn how this "relative" view of time is usefully diagramed with light cones, representing the past and future.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 18 - Curved Spacetime and Black Holes
1 september 201230min.By developing a general theory of relativity incorporating gravity, Einstein launched a revolution in our understanding of the universe. Trace how his idea that gravity results from the warping of spacetime led to the discovery of black holes and the big bang.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 19 - Time Travel
1 september 201231min.Use a simple analogy to understand how a time machine might work. Unlike movie scenarios featuring dematerializing and rematerializing, a real time machine would be a spaceship that moves through all the intervening points between two locations in spacetime. Also explore paradoxes of time travel.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 20 - Black Hole Entropy
1 september 201230min.Stephen Hawking showed that black holes emit radiation and therefore have entropy. Since the entropy in the universe today is overwhelmingly in the form of black holes and there were no black holes in the early universe, entropy must have been much lower in the deep past.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 21 - Evolution of the Universe
1 september 201231min.Follow the history of the universe from just after the big bang to the far future, when the universe will consist of virtually empty space at maximum entropy. Learn what is well founded and what is less certain about this picture of a universe winding down.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 22 - The Big Bang
1 september 201230min.Explore three different ways of thinking about the big bang--as the actual beginning of the universe; as a "bounce" from a symmetric version of the universe on the other side of the big bang; and as a region that underwent inflationary expansion in a much larger multiverse.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 23 - The Multiverse
1 september 201231min.Dig deeper into the possibility that the big bang originated in a multiverse, which provides a plausible explanation for why entropy was low at the big bang, giving rise to the arrow of time. But is this theory and the related idea of an anthropic principle legitimate science or science fiction?Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 24 - Approaches to the Arrow of Time
1 september 201232min.Use what you have learned in the course to investigate a range of different possibilities that explain the origin of time in the universe. Professor Carroll closes by presenting one of his favorite theories and noting how much remains to be done before conclusively solving the mystery of time.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
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