The History of Ancient Egypt
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S1 AFL. 1 - Introduction
19 juli 202332min.What makes ancient Egypt so interesting? How do we know what we know about it? What can you, as a student, expect from these episodes?Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 2 - Prehistoric Egypt
19 juli 202331min.In this lesson, we will see just how old "old" is. The basic divisions of prehistory will be discussed, and each category will be defined and its specific characteristics delineated. Once these categories are clear, we will discuss the difficulties of studying a prehistoric civilization.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 3 - Ancient Egyptian Thought
19 juli 202330min.What distinguishes mythology, religion, and philosophy from one another? What role did each play in the lives of the ancient Egyptians?Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 4 - Napoleon and the Beginnings of Egyptology
19 juli 202330min.Why does modern Egyptology begin with Napoleon? How was Egypt studied before he and his army arrived with 150 scientists in tow in 1798? How did the monumental "Description de l'Egypte" that Bonaparte's savants produced become the benchmark for all future publications in the field?Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 5 - The Rosetta Stone, and Much More
19 juli 202330min.The Rosetta Stone is a large granite stela, carved under Ptolemy V and unearthed by French troops in 1799. With inscriptions of the same text in Greek and Egyptian, it provided the key to deciphering the ancient Egyptian language. Learn the four scripts in which ancient Egyptian can be written, as well as the three ways hieroglyphic signs can be used.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 6 - The First Nation in History
19 juli 202330min.How did Egypt become history's first nation? Once King Narmer unified Upper and Lower Egypt, it took only a few hundred years to build a power that would dominate the Near East for millennia. Learn why the political structure of ancient Egypt made this possible and how the "Narmer Palette" tells this story.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 7 - The Rise of the Old Kingdom
19 juli 202330min.As Egypt becomes a great nation led by a single all-powerful ruler, traditions arise that will last for millennia: a capital city, separate burial places (and eventually mighty pyramids) for the kings, solar boats for the trip to the next world, and more.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 8 - Sneferu, the Pyramid Builder
19 juli 202330min.This lecture will present a portrait of the founder of the "Fabulous Fourth" Dynasty, Sneferu. Using trial and error, he figured out how to build a true pyramid. His reign also saw Egypt's blossoming as an international power and the setting of artistic standards that would last for thousands of years.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 9 - The Great Pyramid of Giza
19 juli 202330min.From leveling the foundation to setting the capstone, here are - as best as we can make out - the "nuts and bolts" of the Egyptians' most literally "monumental" feat: pyramid building. This lecture also discusses the 144-foot solar boat that was found in 1954, buried near the Great Pyramid.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 10 - The End of the Old Kingdom
19 juli 202330min.After the fantastic achievements of Dynasty IV, something - no one knows what - changed. Pharaohs stopped building pyramids and seem to have adopted sun worship. Dynasty VI resumed pyramid building on a small scale, but the death of its last king plunged Egypt into chaos.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 11 - The First Intermediate Period
19 juli 202330min.After centuries of power, pyramids, and prosperity, Egypt totally collapsed. Why? A look at this period also shows the methods that Egyptologists use to reconstruct history where the resources are scant.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 12 - The Middle Kingdom - Dynasty XI
19 juli 202330min.The Middle Kingdom is the story of Egypt's resurrection. Dynasty XI is the dynasty of reunification, slowly bringing Egypt back to unity and greatness.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 13 - The Middle Kingdom - Dynasty XII
19 juli 202331min.The seven kings of Dynasty XII built pyramids, fostered great literature (often for political purposes), and consolidated power once again in the center.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 14 - The Second Intermediate Period
19 juli 202330min.Ancient Egypt is the only civilization in history to have been eclipsed twice and bounced back to prominence on both occasions. Dynasties XIII through XVII saw the Middle Kingdom's decline, the advent of foreign rule, and finally, the expulsion of the Hyksos by a heroic prince of Thebes and his two sons at the end of Dynasty XVII.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 15 - Joseph in Egypt
19 juli 202330min.The Bible describes a lengthy sojourn of the Israelites in Egypt. We examine the Joseph story in the Book of Genesis to see what light Egyptology might shed on its authenticity.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 16 - The Beginning of the New Kingdom - The Fabulous XVIIIth Dynasty
19 juli 202330min.Practices we think of as defining ancient Egypt - including the use of a standing army to exact foreign tribute and the burial of the pharaohs in the Valley of the Kings - have their origins in this seminal period. We will also take a detailed look at what warfare was like in the ancient world.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 17 - Queen Hatshepsut
19 juli 202330min.One of the greatest individuals in Egyptian history, Hatshepsut appears in no official Egyptian record. When she died, she was "King of Upper and Lower Egypt." How did she handle the three core activities of kingship - building, warfare, and trading expeditions? Why was her name later systematically expunged?Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 18 - Obelisks
19 juli 202330min.Obelisks are a purely Egyptian invention. Quarrying, transporting, and erecting one is perhaps an even greater engineering feat than the building of a pyramid. Learn the origins and religious significance of obelisks.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 19 - Tuthmosis III - King At Last
19 juli 202330min.For 22 years, Tuthmosis III was second fiddle to his aunt Hatshepsut, who ruled as a king although she was a woman. When she died and he ruled by himself, he became one of the greatest military pharaohs Egypt had ever known. Learn what it meant to be a great king by tracing the epic events of his reign.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 20 - The Fabulous XVIIIth Dynasty Rolls On
19 juli 202330min.Witness this glorious dynasty continue through two superior pharaohs and then one great one, Amenhotep III, "The Sun King."Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 21 - Akhenaten the Heretic Pharaoh
19 juli 202330min.The most enigmatic and controversial pharaoh in Egypt's history, Akhenaten rocked the pillars of Egyptian society. He may have been the first monotheist and the first "individual" in history.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 22 - The Discovery of Tutankhamen's Tomb
19 juli 202330min.Unearthed by Howard Carter in 1922, the burial place of this young son of Akhenaten is the only royal tomb to have been found substantially intact. Follow the careful research and planning that led up to Carter's discovery, and learn the significance of the thousands of artifacts found.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 23 - The Murder of Tutankhamen - A Theory
19 juli 202330min.Was Tutankhamen the victim of foul play? Do his mummified remains hold clues? Who might have wanted him dead, and why? Sift the physical and circumstantial evidence for this intriguing hypothesis and form your own conclusion.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 24 - Medicine - The Necessary Art
19 juli 202330min.The physicians of Egypt were famous throughout the ancient world. Probe the justification for this fame by examining medical papyri. We will see that there were really two approaches to medicine: clinical and magical.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopenS1 AFL. 25 - The End of Dynasty XVIII
19 juli 202331min.What happened when a pharaoh died without issue? Find out by looking at three such cases that arose toward the end of Dynasty XVIII: Tutankhamen, Aye, and Horemheb, the last king of the dynasty, left no children.Gratis proefversie van The Great Courses Signature Collection of kopen
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