Kanal logosu

Becoming Evil - Serial Killers

1. Sezon
A shocking, new investigative documentary series that profiles some of history's most notorious mass murderers.
IMDb 6,720197 bölümlerX-RayTV-14
Prime'a Katılın

Şartlar geçerlidir

Prime üyeliği gerekli


  1. S1 B1 - Mind of the Serial Killer
    16 Mayıs 2019
    57 dak
    Prior to the true crime explosion, psychologists, and criminal investigators thought they had the serial killer figured out. But it turns out the answers are much more complex and troubling.
    Prime'a Katılın
  2. S1 B2 - Victims and the Media
    16 Mayıs 2019
    55 dak
    American culture and its urban settings, streets of prostitution, homeless and lost people, will continue providing the victim pool for serial killers.
    Prime'a Katılın
  3. S1 B3 - America's Most Notorious Serial Killers: The First Wave
    16 Mayıs 2019
    57 dak
    At the turn of the 20th century America was on the move. It was changing from a country of farmers and small towns into a nation of growing urban centers. But it also created the perfect killing fields for serial murderers.
    Prime'a Katılın
  4. S1 B4 - The Second Wave: America's Most Notorious Serial Killers
    16 Mayıs 2019
    58 dak
    After surviving the Great Depression and World War II, America entered an idyllic age, The Atomic Age, where wholesome values and classic Americana were king. Dads could work in a factory and afford to send his kids to college
    Prime'a Katılın
  5. S1 B5 - Lady Serial Killers
    16 Mayıs 2019
    53 dak
    Ep. 5 - Lady Serial Killers
    Prime'a Katılın
  6. S1 B6 - International Serial Killers
    16 Mayıs 2019
    54 dak
    There’s been a long-held belief in the public that serial killing is largely an American phenomenon; Now we know serial killing has no boundaries.
    Prime'a Katılın
  7. S1 B7 - 21st Century Serial Killers
    16 Mayıs 2019
    54 dak
    Ep. 7 - 21st Century Serial Killers
    Prime'a Katılın


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İçerik danışma
Çıplaklıkşiddetmadde kullanımısigara kullanımıküfürlü konuşmacinsel içerik
Alt Yazılar
Ron Meyer
Ron Meyer
Oyuncu Kadrosu
David BerkowitzJohn Wayne GacyJeffrey Dahmer
Mill Creek Entertainment
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