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第 1 季
Magiki is a fantasy land of ditzy fairies and sassy mermaids where Princess Billie explores real world issues of fairness, sibling rivalry and self-confidence.
201752 集


  1. 第 1 季第 1 集 - Sick Dragon
    12 分钟
    Billie arrives to Magiki for a ride on the Royal Raft. The problem is, it seems impossible to navigate the river with the heavy fog that has been covering the entire kingdom since this morning. Billie discovers that the fog is coming from a poor dragon, made sick by the evil Marie and Antoinette. Making him better will help the whole kingdom to be able to enjoy a joyful ride.
  2. 第 1 季第 2 集 - Travelling Troubadour
    12 分钟
    Today everybody forgot Elizabeth's birthday. Billie proposes to transform a private concert into a public celebration in Elizabeth's honour. But the evil Princesses Twins also want a concert and kidnap the singer, only to realise he is no singer at all. Thanks to Truman's guitar, Billie will sing for her friend's birthday, making it an amazing day.
  3. 第 1 季第 3 集 - The Frog-Otten Ring
    12 分钟
    A foreigner arrives to Magiki! Ferdinand Frog, who lacks of self-confidence, convinces Billie and her friends than he is fully able to understand him. He declares that the new comer is a very noble foreigner, from a royal kingdom.They think that the foreigner is a prince charming and they kidnap him in their evil castle. Billie must urgently save his poor and innocent foreigner!
  4. 第 1 季第 4 集 - The Gift Machine
    12 分钟
    A mysterious box has been delivered by mistake by the Magiki post. Soon enough, Billie and her friends realize that it is a gift machine, giving to everyone his most wanted present, well, the Twins also want their part of a cake! Quickly, things are getting upside down in Magiki. Billie must act quickly and get the machine back before it is too late!
  5. 第 1 季第 5 集 - Anything To Declare?
    12 分钟
    Billie and her friends have ordered online a stock of sparkling flowers for their Festival. But at the border, the customs mermaids have intercepted up the sparkling flower truck. They demand a box of moon dust, which Billie and her friends have never heard of. Meanwhile the Twins and the mermaids are stealing their sparkling flowers box. Billie must save them, or their festival is over!
  6. 第 1 季第 6 集 - The Royal Makeover
    12 分钟
    Billie comes to Magiki to inaugurate a rainbow fountain. Because of a trick of Marie & Antoinette, Billie and her whole court find themselves with a ridiculous look. Billie tries to give everybody's look back with the help of Ed. Each time, Marie and Antoinette manage to make things worse because of sneaky new tricks. Now, they'll surely make a fool of themselves!
  7. 第 1 季第 7 集 - The Fourth Princess
    12 分钟
    Billie accommodates an unconscious bear-girl at her castle. Thanks to Zsa-Zsa's magic, the guest wakes up: she's "Princess Dulcet", from the Fluffy kingdom! Billie has to take her back to her castle, but Marie and Antoinette take her under their protection. Marie and Antoinette decide to make her their prisoner. Billie has to free her!
  8. 第 1 季第 8 集 - Come Back Truman!
    12 分钟
    Truman is out of the castle for a royal guard convention. Billie organizes the annual royal picnic of Magiki, but all the food escapes as if by magic! Billie counts on the help of Sir Kitty Cat and Zsa-Zsa, but both fail to catch the escaping meal. Billie, SKC, Zsa-Zsa and Elisabeth discover that Marie and Antoinette are the ones who robbed the picnic and sent a false invitation to Truman!
  9. 第 1 季第 9 集 - Our Good Friend Truman
    12 分钟
    The twin princesses are jealous of Billie and Truman's friendship. They cast a spell on the boy to take control of his mind. When Billie and her friends try to get him back, Truman doesn't want to come home, he's way better with his 'new best friends'. Will the incredible strength of her friendship for Truman be able to bring the boy's mind back to reality?
  10. 第 1 季第 10 集 - The Trailer Kingdom
    12 分钟
    Thanks to their Bad Barry, who is able to make fake laws appear, the evil princesses take possession of Billie's realm and castle. They give her their old trailer as only habitation. But as long as she has her friends around, Billie's still happy. They create new fake laws keeping everyone in Magiki from having fun and Billie has to react to protect her people.
  11. 第 1 季第 11 集 - The Princesses Race
    12 分钟
    The twin princesses dare Billie to a coach race: the loser will have to give his realm away. Fiona wants to pull Billie's coach because there is just no way she'll lose against Sidney Snail. But Billie and her friends discover that the princesses bought a new race horse and fired Sidney. Will his talent be enough to beat the powerful race horse and keep Billie from exile?
  12. 第 1 季第 12 集 - The Perfect Wish
    12 分钟
    On the night of the falling stars, everybody grabs his butterfly net to catch and throw the stars into the wishes well. The one who catches the most stars is granted three wishes. The winner chooses wishes that please everybody. But Sir Kitty Cat is too impatient to make wise choices and his two first wishes are disastrous. Will Billie be able to return everything to normal with the third one?
  13. 第 1 季第 13 集 - Play Wish
    12 分钟
    When Antoinette and Marie have a fight, Marie tells Billie she must play with her and do what she says. Billie, who is playing a game with Truman, doesn't know how to say "no". In Magiki, Billie is obliged to take Marie on an expedition to see a magical butterfly only to discover that she secretly wants to capture it. Billie must free it before it loses its magical power!
  14. 第 1 季第 14 集 - The Missing Part
    12 分钟
    One half of the Moon is going missing! Without it, all of Magiki's nature is upside down. Thanks to an improvised lasso, Billie manages to hold back the other half that threatens to disappear. Billie and her friends follow the direction of the missing half to the Princess Twins' castle. Now they have to convince the Twins to return it, even though they're using it as a disco ball.
  15. 第 1 季第 15 集 - The Treasure Hunt
    12 分钟
    Magiki's inhabitants are thrilled to find a Treasure Chest Cloud in the sky. According to the legend Ed the Wizard, it contains a map which can lead whoever has it to the treasure that'll make them the happiest in the world. The team gets closer to its goal not knowing the Twins have decided to let Billie investigate so that they can steal the treasure once found!
  16. 第 1 季第 16 集 - Just A Joke
    12 分钟
    Truman's big juggling show is about to start! He received a pink ball as a gift from an admirer but the Princesses Twins have asked Bad Barry to cast a spell of bad luck on it. Once he's touched it, Truman is cursed: everything he does goes wrong!
  17. 第 1 季第 17 集 - The Stolen Crown
    12 分钟
    The great master Antonio Bellissimo has agreed to paint Princess Billie's royal portrait. But two pandas steal the royal crown right under their noses and without a royal crown, no royal portrait! Everyone head after the thieves who throw the crown into an empty trailer. Time is running out for Billie if she wants her portrait done, because Antonio Bellissimo is not going to wait forever!
  18. 第 1 季第 18 集 - The Jewel Of The Dark
    12 分钟
    Ed the Wizard is meant to teach a royal dance to Billie and her Court but he disappears. He is found trapped in a big hole near the castle. A giant mole is transforming the realm of Magiki into Swiss cheese! But Billie and her friends soon discover that there is no mole at all. The holes are made by Marie and Antoinette who are digging everywhere to find the Jewel of Magiki.
  19. 第 1 季第 19 集 - The Peas' Prophecy
    12 分钟
    A solar eclipse is coming up but with it comes as well a terrible prophecy: from the moment the moon covers the sun all princesses will be turned into green peas! Luckily, Ed knows a ritual that can stop the transformation when reproduced exactly right.
  20. 第 1 季第 20 集 - It's Your Problem
    12 分钟
    In Magiki, the Sand Castle Festival is jeopardized by deafening roars which scare all the inhabitants. When the terrified subjects refuse to go out of the castle, Billie and Truman leave alone to find out what is behind that noise. Thanks to Ed the Wizard, they find out it is a dragon!
  21. 第 1 季第 21 集 - The Unexpected Guests
    12 分钟
    The castle's inhabitants are thrilled about the Fairy Tale day, but the unexpected arrival of dozens of penguins confuses them. When more penguins arrive, the situation quickly gets out of hand. Who invited all those penguins? Their invitations look real, but turn out to be fake ones, made by the Problem Pandas for the Twins.
  22. 第 1 季第 22 集 - Paper Planes
    12 分钟
    On this glorious Kite Day, Billie's friends have all brought their nicest kites! But what are those things they can see from a distance? Pink tornadoes, coming straight to them! They break the kites and could wreck all of Magiki if no one stops them. Other tornadoes suddenly appear and they seem to be coming from the Twin princesses' castle. Will they manage to ruin Kite Day for good?
  23. 第 1 季第 23 集 - SOS Teddy Bear
    12 分钟
    Billie's throne has gone missing! Kitty Cat takes over the investigation and drags the team behind him towards the cave inhabited by a couple of Ogres. They put their crying baby on the swinging throne in order to calm it down. They're missing his "teddy bear". Billie and her friends decide to find the teddy bear which has a little jacket and two emeralds on it!
  24. 第 1 季第 24 集 - Bath Day
    12 分钟
    Today is Sir Kitty Cat's worst nightmare: his bath day. But suddenly the Hide Away Lake is suddenly empty! Could it have something to do with the Twin princesses' personal brand new lake? Are they the ones who stole their water! Elizabeth and Bunny Cuddles cleans up the bottom of the lake and the treasures they'll find down there will help them get their water back from the Twins.
  25. 第 1 季第 25 集 - Help Me Help You
    12 分钟
    It's Favor Day in Magiki: any of Billie's subjects can ask her for whatever pleases him or her! But Billie gets overloaded with work by her strict timetable and is unable to please everybody and her subjects grow impatient. Marie and Antoinette, decide to take care of Favor Day but their "help" requires magic, and soon turns out to be dangerous for everyone.
显示全部 52 集



Daniel Klein
Eryk CasemiroCyril Deydier
Zodiak Kids Studios
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