Prime Video
  1. Mi cuenta


The story revolves around a Pokémon master and his small group of friends who travel around the fictitious world along with their Pokémon partners.
201852 episodios
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  1. T7 E1 - What you seed is what you get
    11 de diciembre de 2018
    21 min
    At the Fall Harbour town, Ash and friends encounter melon master, Natasha. To strengthen Treecko, Ash decides to pit it against Natasha's Grovyle. Will Treecko be able to face it's evolved counterpart, Grovyle? Tune in and find out!
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  2. T7 E2 - Love at first flight
    11 de diciembre de 2018
    21 min
    At Lake May, Ash and friends meet Volbeat trainer Romeo and Illumise trainer Juliet. As Romeo is madly in love with Juliet, they train him to confess his love. Will Romeo and Juliet come together? Tune in and find out!
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  3. T7 E3 - Let Bagons be Bagons!
    11 de diciembre de 2018
    21 min
    Ash and friends encounter Michelle and her dragon-type Pokemon Bagon. Despite being a land based Pokemon, Bagon wants to fulfil his dream of flying in the sky. Will his dream come true? Tune in and find out!
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  4. T7 E4 - The Princess and the Togepi!
    11 de diciembre de 2018
    21 min
    After an evil Colonel Hansen kidnaps Misty, the princess of Mirage Kingdom finds Misty's Togepi in her palace garden. How did Togepi get there and will Misty be able to find her Togepi? Tune in and find out!
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  5. T7 E5 - A Togepi mirage!
    11 de diciembre de 2018
    21 min
    To protect Ash and friends against Colonel Hansen, Togepi takes them inside the Togepi Mirage. But, Colonel Hansen captures Togepi and inches closer to be the new King of Mirage Kingdom. Will Ash and friends save Togepi and the kingdom?
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  6. T7 E6 - Candid Camerupt!
    11 de diciembre de 2018
    21 min
    While travelling through the desert, Ash and friends faint due to dehydration and are saved by the Winstrate family. The Winstrate family are known for having Pokemon battles and challenge Ash and his friends to fight them. Who will win the battle? Tune in to find out.
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  7. T7 E7 - I feel Skitty!
    11 de diciembre de 2018
    21 min
    While practicing for her Pokemon contest, May and Torchic find a sick Skitty and decide to get it treated. On their journey, May falls in love with the Skitty and decides to catch it once it's healed. But Team Rocket set their eyes on the Skitty and Jessie plans to catch the Skitty for herself. Will Team Rocket be successful in catching the Skitty? Tune in to find out.
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  8. T7 E8 - Zigzag Zangoose!
    11 de diciembre de 2018
    21 min
    While going to Fall Harbour town, Ash and the gang run into Nikolai who is training his Zangoose. Trouble arises when Team Rocket shows up and the Zangoose gets enraged seeing Jessie's Seviper. With Zangoose and Seviper lost in rage trying to fight each other, will Ash and friends be able to help Nikolai with his training?
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  9. T7 E9 - Maxxed out!
    11 de diciembre de 2018
    21 min
    Ash and his friends visit a Pokemon centre on the way to Fallarbor town. To their surprise, they meet another boy named Max and he looks familiar to him too! Watch how they all team up to save a cute Surskit from the evil team rocket!
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  10. T7 E10 - Pros and con artists
    11 de diciembre de 2018
    21 min
    Ash and his friends arrive in Fallarbor Town and coincidentally meet Grace and her pokemon, Medicham. But, Team Rocket too is in the same town, running a scam. In the turn of events, Team Rocket manages to steal the pokemons that come their way. Who will rescue all the pokemons from the clutches of Team Rocket?
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  11. T7 E11 - Come what May!
    11 de diciembre de 2018
    21 min
    In a pokemon contest, May manages to move further into the next round along with Drew, Grace and Jessie. With Jessie in a disguise, May fails to recognize her. But, little does she know that Jessie has an evil plan to win the contest. Will May expose Jessie?
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  12. T7 E12 - Cheer Pressure
    11 de diciembre de 2018
    21 min
    Ash and friends reunite with Thatcher and learn that he has joined a Pep Squad School that helps in enhancing Pokemon battles. When Ash and Brock battle with a disguised team rocket, Max unearth a secret of the cheerleaders. What secret did Max find out?
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  13. T7 E13 - Game Winning Assist
    11 de diciembre de 2018
    21 min
    After barely escaping the attacks from the enraged Slugmas, Ash and friends stumble upon a unique pokemon, Numel and its trainer, Julie. Julie gives an insight into the assist attacks to Ash and friends. What is an assist attack?
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  14. T7 E14 - Fight for the meteorite
    11 de diciembre de 2018
    21 min
    Ash and his friends take a cable car to go to Mount Chimney. The cable car suddenly stops and the other passengers with them turn out to be Team Rocket. But, little do they know that Team Aqua has hijacked the cable car system in order to get a meteorite before Team Magma gets their hands on it.
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  15. T7 E15 - Poetry commotion!
    11 de diciembre de 2018
    21 min
    Ash and his friends reach Lavaridge gym and realise that its gym leader Mr Moore has gone on a poetry expedition. The new gym leader is Flannery, who is having trouble maintaining the gym. Will they help Flannery? Find out, !
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  16. T7 E16 - Going, going, yawn
    11 de diciembre de 2018
    20 min
    Ash faces one of his toughest challenges yet in the form of Flannery, who is determined to become the best Pokemon trainer. Will Ash be able to defeat her? Tune in to Voot to find out.
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  17. T7 E17 - Going for a Spinda
    11 de diciembre de 2018
    21 min
    Ash and friends decide to help Claire find a Spinda which she considers lucky. But with so many Spindas around, will they be able to find the lucky Spinda? Find out, !
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  18. T7 E18 - All Torkoal, no play
    11 de diciembre de 2018
    21 min
    Ash and friends enter the Valley of Steel and notice a Torkoal getting attacked by Steel Pokemons. Why is the Torkoal being attacked? Will they be able to protect the Torkoal? Find out, !
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  19. T7 E19 - Manectric charge
    11 de diciembre de 2018
    21 min
    At the Mauville Gym, Ash decides to test his new Pokemom Torkoal against Wattson's recently evolved Manectric. Who will win this intense battle? Tune in and find out, !
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  20. T7 E20 - Delcatty got your tongue
    11 de diciembre de 2018
    21 min
    To beat Team Rocket, Dr. Abby and her Delcatty help May's Skitty learn the Blizzard attack. Will Skitty be able to master the Blizzard attack and defeat Team Rocket? Find out, !
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  21. T7 E21 - Disaster of disguise
    11 de diciembre de 2018
    21 min
    Ash and friends are surprised to learn that Drew isn't participating in the Pokemon contest anymore, due to a humiliating defeat at the hands of the Phantom. Will Ash challenge the Phantom and unmask him?
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  22. T7 E22 - Disguise da limit!
    11 de diciembre de 2018
    21 min
    With his dad's help, Timmy manages to reach the venue in time to register for the Pokemon contest. May is nervous at the beginning as it will be the first time she will be entering with Skitty. However, she manages to reach the finals to face Timmy. Who will prevail?
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  23. T7 E23 - Take the Lombre home
    11 de diciembre de 2018
    21 min
    Ash and his friends have run out of water. Brock asks his water pokemon Lotad to find water but suddenly the Lotad evolves into a Lombre and starts leading them in a direction. Can Ash and his team find water and successfully take Lombre home?
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  24. T7 E24 - True blue swablu
    11 de diciembre de 2018
    21 min
    While May and her friends stride across the woods, they come across a Swablu with wounded wings. They help the poor bird to recover and decide to reunite it with its flock. What happens when the rocket team steals Swablu away?
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  25. T7 E25 - Gulpin it down
    11 de diciembre de 2018
    21 min
    Ash and friends are out on a picnic when they discover that the city is being attacked by a large group of Gulpins, who gulp down anything and everything they come across. Will Ash and friends find a way out before the gulpins gobble the whole city?
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Mostrar todos los 52 episodios


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