
21st Centry Serial Killer

Season 1
Technology in the 21st century has provided grim opportunities and played a part in numerous murders Interviews with the experts and victims loved ones reveal shocking truths
IMDb 6.620207 episodesX-Ray13+
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  1. S1 E1 - Jesse Matthew

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    December 16, 2020
    Criminologists psychologists journalists and detectives examine the crimes of Jesse Matthew a taxi driver who brutally murdered two college students
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  2. S1 E2 - Stephen Port

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    December 16, 2020
    The case of Stephen Port a man who would use online dating apps to lure in and prey on young men His ability to evade the justice system led to the murder of four people but when the families of his latest victims needed answers he had nowhere to run
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  3. S1 E3 - William Howell

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    December 16, 2020
    William Howell was a man who found himself targeting drugaddicted sex workers Hiding these bodies in what he called his garden Howell was eventually caught and convicted of murdering seven people
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  4. S1 E4 - James Fairweather

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    December 16, 2020
    James Fairweather was a 15yearold obsessed with violence serial killers and the methods they used to take down their victims Using the internet to research those before him he stabbed two people to death in 2014
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  5. S1 E5 - Mark Martin

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    December 16, 2020
    Mark Martin was on a mission declaring that he wanted to become Nottinghams first serial killer Between December 2004 and January 2005 he strangled to death three young homeless women His outright bragging about his kills would ultimately lead to his downfall
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  6. S1 E6 - Shawn Grate

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    December 16, 2020
    An emergency call from a woman who had been abducted leads to police arresting and convicting Shawn Grate of murdering two women He later confesses in a press interview that there were not two but five women who have died by his hand
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  7. S1 E7 - Donna Perry

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    December 16, 2020
    Donna Perry a transgender woman blamed the murders on Douglas Perry the man she used to be The police were able to track her down thanks to her last victim who promised that if she was ever murdered she would leave a trail to her killer
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Nadia DawberVicky Ironmonger


Claire Thomas


Marko Bennachimo


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