Animal Emergency
S1 E1 - Episode 1
April 2, 202146minFrench Bulldog, Piggy Duffy arrives to the hospital in a last ditch attempt to restore power to his back legs and elsewhere, staff struggle to do what's best for a young wild seal with a badly damaged eye.Join PrimeS1 E2 - Episode 2
April 9, 202146minClare native Vincent Kennedy battles to save his much loved greyhound Porsche, while animal enthusiast Kealan Doyle arrives with his pet Kunekune pigs for a tricky procedure.Join PrimeS1 E3 - Episode 3
April 16, 202146minBonnie a Labrador pup, must undergo life-saving heart surgery while Ragdoll cat owner John needs to uncover what's wrong with his favorite feline.Join PrimeS1 E4 - Episode 4
April 23, 202145minWexford couple Jim and Máire bring Chinook, their beloved Samoyed dog for a major operation while Mirabella the cat becomes an atomic kitten for specialist treatment.Join PrimeS1 E5 - Episode 5
April 30, 202145minThe race is on to treat Old English sheepdog puppy Jessie for a life threatening condition while elsewhere in the Hospital, older dog Jessica is being made comfortable in her final months.Join Prime
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Content advisory
- Violence
- None available
- Judy Kelly
- Ruth O’Looney
- Michael Sheehan
- Scratch Films
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