Fatal Addiction: Amy Winehouse

Amy Winehouse is one of the most iconic artists of all time, her sound and style set her apart. Tragically, her drinking caused her career to suffer and controlled her daily routine, an addiction that would eventually take her life.
IMDb 6.21 h 1 min2023X-Ray16+
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Content advisory

Flashing lightssubstance usealcohol usesmokingfoul language

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EnglishEnglish Dialogue Boost: MediumEnglish Dialogue Boost: High


English [CC]Deutsch [automatisch]Svenska [auto]


Remone Jones


Brian Aabech


Dr. Peter HughesProfessor Jennifer Otter BickerdikeProfessor Jason Payne JamesAmy WinehouseMitch WinehouseBlake Fielder-Civil


Entertain Me Productions Ltd
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