
Flipping Bangers

Season 3
Gus Gregory and Will Trickett have ditched their day jobs to trade in the kind of cars people usually avoid. And after 2 seasons (23 cars so far) they're back for more! Using their own money, and aiming to double every pound they spend, they go up and down the country looking for cars that anyone else would walk straight past.
202212 episodes13+
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  1. S3 E1 - Rover MGF

    August 9, 2022
    The team find the worst MGF in the country, looking a mess on a retail forecourt. The car doesn't drive but it's a cheap way into a quick British sporty ragtop. With serious leaks and wings that have faded so much they are pink the boys quickly discover that a cheap car is cheap for a reason.
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  2. S3 E2 - Fiat 126

    August 17, 2022
    What do you buy if you like a classic Fiat but the classic 500 is out of your league? Yep, the 126 is the new target of the team and the one they find is rust-free but runs terribly. What starts out as a simple task to replace a gasket turns into a huge nightmare.
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  3. S3 E3 - Triumph Herald

    August 23, 2022
    The Herald is a great entry-level classic and this one only has 2 owners and 50K miles. It's also undriving, stuck in a barn. If the duo can address it's engine, fuel, braking and gearbox then it'll be a gem. But it's a big IF.
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  4. S3 E4 - Mini Cooper

    August 24, 2022
    The team know the BMW Mini is good and popular. But there are so many of them, it's hard to make one which stands out and will make money. The donor car for this ep is a car that overheats. Bought for only six hundred pounds on ebay it's the right price but it's not a happy car.
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  5. S3 E5 - Rolls Royce

    August 30, 2022
    When people talk about the quality and appeal of the classic Rolls they don't mean the one the team locate in Yorkshire. This one was owned by a colourful character and has been sitting in a field for years. It looks awful. The interior is full of mould. But it's cheap. What's the worst that can happen?
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  6. S3 E6 - Mercedes SLK

    August 31, 2022
    This once thirty thousand pound car has been given up on. The previous owner can't get the roof to work or the car to run, so they are selling it. The car looks amazing - surely the car is a bargain? But once they get into it, the issues the car has are complex, fiddly and costly.
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  7. S3 E7 - VW Golf Mk1

    September 6, 2022
    A Golf like this is such a legend the guys instantly fall in love with it. But is it rusty? It looks tight, it seems good. It's only when they remove the wheel arch trims that the sad truth dawns. It's very rusty. Oh dear.
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  8. S3 E8 - Citroen 2CV

    September 7, 2022
    The guys are looking for a French car that's NOT a 2CV as they are expensive and rusty. But once they come across this one, it's impossible to turn it down. Yes, it's rusty. Yes it's pricey but the car has a big heart and they hatch a plan to keep the rough edges but give it a new lease of life.
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  9. S3 E9 - Audi 100

    September 13, 2022
    Gus and Will are after a classic BMW but Gus insists on a classic Audi that has caught his eye and forces it on Will. But it's the start of a joint love affair as the Audi's great engine and style wins them over. It's only when they get to the paint on one side they become unstuck.
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  10. S3 E10 - Ford Orion

    September 14, 2022
    Everyone wants a classic Ford so the team target the Orion as it's probably the last one that's affordable. This one is definitively cheap but the steering wheel is on the wrong side, it's 9 shades of blue and registered in Portugal. How can they possibly make money on it?
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  11. S3 E11 - Toyota Sera

    September 20, 2022
    The Sera is a concept car for the road, with gull-wing doors and a 50s style space-age glass roof. It's also extremely rare and the guys find one that's driving but not in the way they need. Is the famed Japanese engineering in place here or have we bought a lemon?
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  12. S3 E12 - Land Rover Freelander

    September 21, 2022
    Once Europe's most popular 4 x 4, the Freelander looks good, drives well and is a perfect vehicle for FB as future values are set to rise. This one has failed the MOT test on so many items, the owner has thrown in the towel. It's cheap but a challenge.
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Daniel Allum


Will TrickettGus Gregory


RMC Decouverte
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