Hitler In His Own Words
S1 E1 - At Peace
Watch on supported devicesAugust 27, 200254minDespite being one of the most written about figures in history, Hitler remains a shadowy figure. Idolized by millions, he inspired unwavering loyalty. Winston Churchill described him as this wicked man, but to his devoted followers he was a brooding mystical hero, wrapped in a cloak of righteous vengeance.Watch for freeS1 E2 - At War
Watch on supported devicesAugust 27, 200254minAt 4:45AM on September 1st, 1939 the massive and technologically superior German military machine lunges across Poland's border. Although Hitler had disregarded yet another international treaty by attacking Poland, he had still felt the need to justify the action legally. Europe had done nothing to stop Hitler's aggression. The world awaited hitler's. next move with bated breath.Watch for free
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