
Hitler's Eastern Front: Army Group North, Army Group Center, & Army Group South

Season 1
After his brief pact with Stalin, Hitler arranges his Wehrmacht troops into three strategic groups before launching and all-out assault on Russia. Includes 3 episodes.
20093 episodes13+
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  1. S1 E1 - Hitler's Eastern Front: Army Group South

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    January 1, 2009
    As Adolph Hitler prepared his armies for the invasion of Russia in 1941, he was conscious that he was about to change European history. He did change it although not in a way that he neither the rest of the war torn World would have ever thought possible.
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  2. S1 E2 - Hitler's Eastern Front: Army Group Center

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    January 1, 2009
    The Wehrmacht organized into 3 army groups for operation. North headed to Stalingrad, South, toward Ukraine, and centre towards the heartland of Russia. Led by General field marshall Fedor Von Bonk, a well known anti nazi, army group centre was the largest and best equipped of all 3 groups. It also contained Gen. Heinz Guderian, perhaps the most renowned commander of the 20th century.
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  3. S1 E3 - Hitler's Eastern Front: Army Group North

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    January 1, 2009
    As Europe staggered toward war, Stalin saw opportunity to gain territory for Russia and stand apart from imperialist conflict between Britain, France and Germany. He abandoned cooperation from western pals. By agreeing to share polish territory between the 3rd Reich and the Soviet Union after invasion, Hitler kept the Russians at bay on his eastern borders to devote attention to war with the west.
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Paul Dunn


Paul Dunn


Total Content Digital
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