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Hors D'Oeuvre

Season 1
Experience the concepts of art and cuisine combined together. Enjoy the representation of the culinary masterpieces and learn about the historical symbolism and depths of art.
201931 episodesTV-PG
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  1. S1 E1 - The Luncheon on the grass

    September 5, 2014
    Mathieu Pacaud, starred chef at Ambroisie, is inspired by Monet's "Déjeuner sur l'herbe" to prepare a pâté croute and forgotten chicken...
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  2. S1 E2 - Freedom from Want by Sam Rockwell

    October 7, 2014
    Norman Rockwell, one of the most famous illustrators of the 20th century, painted the famous Thanksgiving meal, entitled "Freedom From Want", in 1943...
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  3. S1 E3 - Astérix' gallic banquet

    September 19, 2014
    Patrick Bertron, Bernard Loiseau's successor at the "La Côte d'or" restaurant in Saulieu, concocts a traditional Gallic menu in Alesia...
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  4. S1 E4 - Luncheon with oysters by Jean-François De Troy

    October 8, 2014
    The chef Olivier Roellinger, sailor and master of Cancale oysters, revisits the painting of Jean-François de Troy, painter at the court of Louis XV...
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  5. S1 E5 - Chardin's still lifes

    October 5, 2014
    After an introduction by the historian Pierre Rosenberg, the chef Pierre Gagnaire makes a creation based on Chardin's "Canard et une bigarade".
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  6. S1 E6 - Louis XIV and Molière by Léon Gérôme

    October 4, 2014
    Chef of the restaurant "Le Grand Véfour", Guy Martin recreates "Le Diner de Louis XIV", the only painting representing the Sun King at table, made in 1863 by Jean-Leon Gerome.
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  7. S1 E7 - The peasant wedding by Peter Bruegel

    October 1, 2014
    In 1568, Pieter Bruegel immortalized the country weddings in reality and in the canvas to better depict them...
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  8. S1 E8 - Ricotta eaters by Vicenzo Campi

    February 19, 2016
    A tasty tribute to Italian cuisine, "The Ricotta Eaters", painted in 1580 by Vincenzo Campi, a Renaissance master, will take you on a journey...
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  9. S1 E9 - Lascaux caves

    September 30, 2014
    Chef Sebastien Bras creates a prehistoric meal based on reindeer, a popular meat of the Cro-Magnon era, prepared with honey, according to the cooking methods of yesteryear...
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  10. S1 E10 - Arcimboldo

    September 12, 2014
    Anne-Sophie Pic revisits the work of Arcimboldo, a Renaissance painter with a fertile imagination, while a historian describes the food of the era...
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  11. S1 E11 - Andy Warhol's hamburger

    October 6, 2014
    The three-star chef from New York, Daniel Humm, revisits the creation of a hamburger. He finds the inspiration in Andy Warhol's canvas, which the painter made as a vibrant tribute to the United States of America.
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  12. S1 E12 - Bernard Buffet

    November 7, 2014
    The two-star chef Denis Fetisson pays tribute to the painter Bernard Buffet by creating a tomato hymn, which adorns one of his still life masterpieces.
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  13. S1 E13 - The preserve makers by Sam Liebermann

    February 12, 2016
    The chef Thomas Martin takes a look at the art work of a German painter Max Liebermann. In 1872 he created a canvas where he showed labor workers of a cannery.
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  14. S1 E14 - Pancake by Pieter Aertsen

    February 5, 2016
    Created in 1560, this painting by the Dutch artist Pieter Aertsen proves that people were already feasting on pancakes back in the 16th century. Four and a half centuries later, the chef Alain Passard offers us his own version of pancakes and French galettes.
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  15. S1 E15 - The Meal by Paul Gauguin

    March 11, 2016
    Polynesia was home to the life and tormented love stories of Paul Gauguin. In his Cancale kitchen, Olivier Roellinger sails towards the universe of the painter he admires.
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  16. S1 E16 - The potatoe eaters by Vincent Van Gogh

    March 25, 2016
    Vincent Van Gogh painted "The Potato Eaters", a family gathered around a frugal dinner. This famous work from 1885 describes the harsh reality of life in the countryside, where potatoes were the main food of these hardworkers. On the other hand, the Alsatian chef Marc Haeberlin, magnifies the tuber.
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  17. S1 E17 - The lonely gourmet by Jiro Taniguchi

    January 27, 2017
    If having a meal is often a moment of sharing, it can also be a solitary pleasure, like reading a book, or even a good manga. Jirô Taniguchi honores the Japanese cuisine, its small restaurants and its simple and popular dishes in his comic book "The Lonely Gourmet". He is welcomed by Kei Kobayashi, one of the most talented chefs of the new Japanese generation.
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  18. S1 E18 - Vermeer's milkmaid

    February 26, 2016
    "White sounds like silence, the nothing before it all begins." This quote by the famous painter Vassily Kandinsky resonates like an echo in Marc Veyrat's mountains. White as snow, white as the liquid of this "maid pouring milk", the original title of this major work of Johannes Vermeer, the "Sphinx of Delft".
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  19. S1 E19 - Still lifes with cheeses by Clara Peeters

    March 4, 2016
    The first cheeses in the history of art appear on a canvas painted around 1615 by a Flemish artist. Little is known about its author Clara Peeters. However, there are no secrets about the making of Reblochon cheese, which is still being matured on the farm as it was in the past. This is a great opportunity for the chef Marc Veyrat to reconsider the famous tartiflette through two recipes.
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  20. S1 E20 - The waterseller of Séville by Diego Velasquez

    March 18, 2016
    The Wellington Museum in London is home to The Waterseller of Seville, one of Diego Velázquez's major works. Chef Alberto Herraiz has chosen lightness for the cuisine that he offers to Guillaume Kientz, curator of the retrospective devoted to the painter in 2015 at the Grand Palais.
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  21. S1 E21 - The moulin de la galette by Renoir and Marx

    April 6, 2018
    In 1876, Renoir painted one of the greatest works of his career, the 'Bal du Moulin de la Galette': an oil on canvas and a hymn to the joy of life. Shaking up the codes, Renoir shows a joyful crowd enjoying a summer day. Thierry Marx has immersed himself in the world of the 19th century to create a meal full of colors.
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  22. S1 E22 - Slaughtered ox by Rembrandt, slow-cooked by Alexandre Gauthier

    April 20, 2018
    Painted in 1655, "The Slaughtered Ox" depicts a scene that Chef Alexandre Gauthier is trying to reproduce. Awarded "Chef of the Year" in 2016, he was inspired to prepare an amazing meal in the colors of the Dutch painter.
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  23. S1 E23 - The very rich hours of the duke of Berry, illuminated by Arnaud Lallement

    February 10, 2017
    Made around 1410 by the Limbourg brothers, this image of a banquet, intended for the book of hours of the Duke of Berry, and which puts him in scene, is one of the most precious illuminations of the history of art. It also inspires the chef Arnaud Lallement to create a meal of lords.
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  24. S1 E24 - The wedding at Cana by Veronese, glorified by Nicolas Bernadé

    June 7, 2019
    In 1563, Veronese, one of the Italian masters of the Renaissance, painted a monumental canvas showing many of the sweets popular at the time, including the famous cotignac, a quince jelly. Pastry chef Nicolas Bernardé is working to reproduce these sweet delights with the same meticulousness as an Italian master in front of his canvas.
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  25. S1 E25 - Enki Bilal and Thierry Marx: a menu for 2027

    January 20, 2017
    The starred chef Thierry Marx had fun realizing the imaginary menu of Enki Bilal, described in the last volume of his "Monster Tetralogy" a meal destined to be savored in 2027. He proposed a farandole of grilled abalone, barnacles, frosted placoderms and flambéed holocephalus cheeks.
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Xavier CucuelChantal Allès


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