S1 E1 - Power Games
December 16, 202150minElectricity powers the life support systems that keep our cities running. Lights Trains communications even hospitals rely on this invisible force. Without it our cities stop working and lives are at risk.Available to buyS1 E2 - Food Fights
November 23, 201350minFood- human life can't exist without it. It's a city's most important source of energy. In New York alone 8 million people consume 10000 tonnes of food every day. Without new supplies cities will run out of fresh food in a matter of days.Available to buyS1 E3 - Concrete Jungle
December 16, 202150minThe world's cities are growing at a faster rate than ever before. An estimated 75 million people around the world move to an urban area every year. And as our metropolises become more and more crowded architects designers and builders face a constant challenge.Available to buyS1 E4 - Transport Tales
December 16, 202150minThe lifeblood of cities. Its transport links are its veins and arteries. If they're cut -off the city will die. Thousands of people work every day at making it possible for city dwellers to be where they need to be when they need to be there. It's an endless task demanding brain and brawn.Available to buyS1 E5 - Water Works
December 14, 201350minFor centuries cities have been built near a freshwater supply. Without it we'd be lucky to live three days. But this most basic human need can be deadly too - get the supply wrong and it can poison us get too close and it can drown us.Available to buy
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- Ian White
- Rod CairdGinita JimenezIan White
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