
How the Nazis Lost the War

Season 1
How did the Nazis the most feared military machine in the world make so many mistakes and bring their country to its knees by the early 1940s For the first time a magnifying glass is applied to the hubris poor management and high hypocrisy of Hitlerrsquos Third Reich Led by the narcissistic drugaddled Fuumlhrer the series explodes the farright myths of the Nazis and shows that the men responsible
20206 episodesTV-MA
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  1. S1 E1 - Strange Bedfellows

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    July 1, 2020
    Germany39s allies leading into WWII were limited to a few despots and dictators But all of these relationships were doomed from the start and Germany39s choice of strange bedfellows would come back to haunt them They would ultimately pay a high price for those decisions
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  2. S1 E2 - Wonderless Weapons

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    July 1, 2020
    As Germany became overstretched during WWII Hitler and Goebels promotedWonder Weapons Wunderwaffe as the path to victory Bigger ships biggerguns massive tanks rockets and jet engines were all on Hitlers agenda Sizemattered to Hitler In his mind these mindblowing machines were destined to carry Germany to a worldcrushing victory In the end these wonder weapons did achieve a critical and lasting
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  3. S1 E3 - Drugs Delusion Demise

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    July 1, 2020
    This episode examines what part Hitler39s almostdaily injections of opioids andmethamphetamine played in his murderous regime Did his heavy drug use fuelan already delusional personality Hitler39s megalomania and his increasingly unstable personality proved to be one of the Allies39 greatest weapons and ultimately led to the destruction of Germany
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  4. S1 E4 - The Inner Circle

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    July 1, 2020
    The Nazi leadership was ambitious ruthless and cutthroat The biggest names in the Nazi hierarchy appeared to be working together but behindnbspthe scenes it was a different story Nepotism corruption and fear were rifenbspHitler led a dysfunctional government and his leadership style was divide andnbsprule He was forever pitting one man against the other favoring one individualnbspone week then
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  5. S1 E5 - The Enemy Within

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    July 1, 2020
    Hitlers messianic belief that the German people were the master race rulednbspthe Nazi partys thinking when it came to war strategy They did not see it as anbspdistraction but rather fundamentally linked to the war effort How the Nazis managed lsquothe Jewish problem as they referred to it would contribute to Germanys downfall 42500 camps were established by the Nazis each requiring enormous
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  6. S1 E6 - Military Blunders

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    July 1, 2020
    Early victories in WWII gave Hitler a delusional overconfidence but when the mistakes started they came thick and fast In the end hubris and selfinterest led to ultimate defeat at the hands of the allies Hitler and Goering had opportunities to defeat the British but they hesitated and blundered and it left Hitler with a problem he could never solve He then turned to the east to a campaign in the
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Justin Holdforth


Rod Mullinar


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