
Ice Wars

Season 1
This provocative series takes us to the frontline of Australia's drug war on the drug known as Ice. Through unprecedented access, we follow the stories of Meth lab busts, front line importation arrests at the docks with Task Force Polaris, decontamination of suburbs by the cleanup crews, forensic teams tracing precursors and toxicologists investigating human impact from passive Meth cooking.
20164 episodes13+
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  1. S1 E1 - Episode 1

    June 12, 2018
    We hear from former ice users tell us their stories of how they became addicted including Aaron, a regular ice user who suffers from schizophrenia. We ride along with NSW Police as they raid a clandestine lab unknowingly located in a homeowner's granny flat. But after a drug lab has been dismantled, who is responsible for cleaning up the toxic residue left behind?
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  2. S1 E2 - Episode 2

    June 18, 2016
    Small towns are vulnerable to the effects of social dislocation caused by desperate ice users. In Nowra, an astonishing percentage of drivers test positive for methamphetamines and in Lismore a dealer is arrested with a trove of crystal meth. Small town community leaders regularly work with authorities to confront as resolve the issue. We visit Wellington, a small NSW town devastated by ice use.
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  3. S1 E3 - Episode 3

    June 25, 2016
    In Blacktown, Police and Emergency Health Services work diligently to manage the local ice problem. We learn that methamphetamine's hold does not discriminate as a world sports champion opens up about his struggles with addiction. An ex-user tells of redemption through rehabilitation, but found hope after hitting rock bottom.
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  4. S1 E4 - Episode 4

    July 2, 2016
    Australian authorities are in a constant fight to top the spread of methamphetamines. Senator Jacqui Lambie makes public her struggle to save her son from addiction. The Middle Eastern Organised Crime Squad raid four drug houses to try to break a crime syndicate. And we hear how the use of ice is rampant in the hospitality and construction industries, as well as the military.
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Alex HodgkinsonDavid Grusovin


Janine CooperJohn BissetDavid Lowder


Eye Spy Productions Pty Ltd
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